Every time I think I have gone around the bend and attributed too much malice and desire for actual evil in the cultural elite, something pops up to remind me that the people who set the cultural tone in the West are, in fact, truly demonic.
This time the example that set me off is Kim Kardashian’s Christmas video, which is about as dark, perverted, and demonic as you might expect. It doesn’t quite include Pentagrams and human sacrifice, but it mixes sex, intoxication, perversion of all that is right and good, and anti-Christian imagery into a witches’ brew of demonic celebration of sin.
What are your thoughts on Kim Kardashian’s “Santa Baby” cover? 💭
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) December 23, 2024
You wouldn’t know it from my posts, but I am not particularly a prude. I like crude humor, appreciate the human form as much as the next guy, and don’t much care what people do behind closed doors as long as they don’t regale me with tales or photographs.
It’s when people put it all out there for others to “appreciate” or move from enjoying their private pleasures into recruiting others–including minors–into their cultish behavior that I am set off. And, of course, I am particularly appalled when defenders of the elite spend an inordinate amount of time first insisting that it isn’t happening and move on to “it’s happening, and it is good.”
We saw that in 2022 when the entire media went into overdrive, pretending that Balenciaga wasn’t promoting pedophilic Sado-Masochism and claiming that child sex trafficking was a conspiracy theory pushed by Q-Anon.
How the Balenciaga controversy has become one of the most explicit collisions of internet culture, politics, fashion and conspiracy theories to date. With @VVFriedman and @jtes https://t.co/WoczAWlzLj
— Elizabeth Paton (@LizziePaton) November 29, 2022
Sound of Freedom was excoriated as propaganda at the same time that Balenciaga was celebrating pedophilia. Kim Kardashian was prancing around in Balenciaga S&M outfits, and heroes saving children from sex slavery were slandered.
I thought people were trolling, but nope. It’s real. Maybe this is why Balenciaga left Twitter. They don’t want to be held accountable. Yes, these are children holding teddy bears dressed in bondage outfits. pic.twitter.com/zBlACUiZjo
— Sav! (@thisissavvy1) November 21, 2022
The Jeffrey Epstein/Diddy/Kardashian world is a celebration of the demonic, and while I don’t spend day and night reading the Book of Revelations and waiting for the Rapture, I do sometimes wonder when the Sweet Meteor of Death will strike the Earth and wipe the stain of evil off the Earth.
There’s a tsunami of anger against Balenciaga for using children to sell “bondage teddy bears.” They apologized/said they’re taking “legal action” against the “creators.” But follow up ??—why did they use a battered adult to sell the same line of bags at their fashion show? Why? pic.twitter.com/3YMCdsArk4
— Laila Mickelwait (@LailaMickelwait) November 23, 2022
No doubt Kardashian is doing this more for clicks and new modeling contracts and not as her offering to Satan. At least, I hope so. I think so. Maybe.
🖤 @balenciaga pic.twitter.com/Se789qpdEB
— Kim Kardashian (@KimKardashian) March 8, 2024
But what does it say about our culture that this is how you accomplish that? Nothing good.