We have decided to republish all our articles since The Conservative Woman began in 2014 on the Pakistani rape gangs, the failure of successive administrations to root them out, right the wrongs of the victims, or to face up to their own discriminatory multicultural and racism policies that provided such fertile ground for this criminality. The articles are appearing in chronological order, providing a daily reminder to those in power that nothing less than a statutory public inquiry, including a remit to investigate a near 25-year cover-up and collusion between national and local government, is a sufficient response to the shocking betrayal of thousands of young white girls. Today’s article was first published on September 3, 2014. Forget about the latest Rotherham ‘inquiry’
THE Government is to launch a probe into ‘institutionalised political correctness’ in the Rape of Rotherham, Theresa May has said. You could not make it up. It is just more nonsense after the charge to end all charges of ‘institutional racism’ made in the Macpherson report. Do not expect this inquiry to solve anything, because it will not.
Roger Scruton sums up perfectly what a game-changer the charge of institutional racism is, and how it led to the Rotherham scandal. If something is institutional, it does not matter if you, yourself, are not racist. As you are part of a racist institution, you are racist. So take a hike, otherwise non-racist person, all the way to the equality and diversity brainwashing course in fact.
This is why the charge of institutional anything is so dehumanising. It takes no account of individuals and their actions. It condemns people by their status and membership of a group alone, such as belonging to the Metropolitan Police force. So it is a bit like racism then, only for the hippy liberals.
We now know how multiculturalism was a major factor in destroying the lives of 1,400 girls in Rotherham. Part of me hopes that some of these women waive their right to anonymity, so we can put names and faces to their stories. Why should they remain anonymous anyway? The shame is not theirs. That belongs solely to their abusers and those in officialdom who facilitated it.
The right-on Guardian-reading liberals, such as Denis MacShane who was Labour MP for Rotherham at the time of the abuse, should be looking these women in the eye and seeing the lives they have destroyed for the sake of their own egos and self-righteousness. MacShane did not say anything at the time, he says, because ‘as a true Guardian reader and liberal Leftie’, he hadn’t wanted to rock the multicultural boat.
An inquiry into institutional political correctness sounds nice but it really it will only dissipate responsibility for this scandal further. I can see it now: ‘I did not let the authorities know of my concerns over an 11-year-old being raped by five men, but don’t blame me, sure I was suffering from institutional political correctness. I could not raise the alarm – I had to deal with institutional political correctness.’
That is not to say institutional political correctness was not there. I agree this culture dominated, but people not slogans make cultures. In an element of the story that comes straight from a dystopian novel, when an employee did raise concerns about these girls, and noted that the rapists were all Asian, she was told to never mention this fact again and sent on a diversity awareness course. These courses are practically mandatory across the civil service, by the way.
Even worse than institutional political correctness is its sister, self-censorship. For years the Left have thrown around charges of racism in response to any argument from exiting the EU, to reducing immigration, to asking why Asian men were raping girls in Rotherham.
The mere threat, the chance that you could be labelled as racist, was enough to make the entire police force in Rotherham look the other way while 1,400 girls were abused, gang-raped and threatened by Asian thugs. This is the power of institutional political correctness: you do not have to wait until the Denis MacShanes and Guardianistas of this world call you a racist. You call yourself one instead. And stay silent, for an easy life.
Throwing the R-bomb at someone is the ultimate power trip and works to shut down debate so effectively it results in self-censorship. But it has real consequences. Just ask one of the 1,400 victims of an actual rape culture in Rotherham.