FeaturedKathy GyngellStateside

Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s magnificent fight back against the demented democrats

Robert Kennedy’s second Senate confirmation hearing for HHS secretary this last week dominated on social as well as on mainstream media. But there the similarity ended. The MSM’s reporting of the former Democrat who the Left love to dub as a conspiracy theorist for telling the truth about covid vaccines, couldn’t have been more different. While tweeters on X were sharing RFK’s brilliant take down of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren (who both seemed in danger of losing their minds at times) the out of touch MSM remained oblivious to how unhinged the Democrats have become. The similarly deranged Guardian reported these demented Democrats had delivered repeated blows on our hero. Well no, they hadn’t and they didn’t. The left RFK unbowed and not even bloodied; they were the defeated ones – their hypocrisy and partisanship exposed for by Kennedy in this searin statement:

‘There’s no such thing as Republican children or Democratic children. These are our kids. 66% of them are damaged … And all these Democrats are opposed to me for partisan issues. They used to be my friends, agreed with me on all the environmental issues I’ve been working on for my whole career. Now they’re against me because anything that President Trump does, any decision he makes, has to be lampooned, derided, discredited, marginalized, vilified.’You can watch his full ‘grilling’ and how he dealt with it in this full recording of the second confirmation hearing here:

Senator Mike Crapo summed it up well and fairly at the end: ‘You’ve gone through the most thorough vetting process that any committee in this Congress puts anybody through and I think that you have come through well and deserve to be confirmed… Mr. Kennedy, I look forward to working with you’.
Let’s hope he will

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