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Use Four Letter Words – HotAir

First let me admit that I don’t really find this that offensive, so don’t think that I am writing this to pretend that I am and that the fate of the Republic is at stake when a Senate Democrat uses the word “sh!t.” No doubt some conservatives will try to generate fake outrage at this terrible break in decorum, but the Republic will survive and no major “norms” will be broken. 

Swearing often is just a part of life in America. We could wish otherwise, but there it is. 

But the “Sh!t That Ain’t True” social media campaign that the Senate Democrats have launched today is unlikely to make much of a dent in Republican momentum, I suspect. It will make a bit of a splash due to the coordination, likely media coverage, and the mild shock value of using the word “sh!t.” After all, most of these guys and gals pretend to be buttoned down geeks deeply concerned with “norms,” so the mild surprise we feel at their use of a swear word will gain a bit of attention. 

Like this article, come to think of it. 

Watching Tammy Duckworth or Chuck Schumer trying to pretend to be normal people is always fun. Schumer, you may remember, loves to grill without fire and apparently serve Steak Tartar to his buddies on July 4th, making him very normal indeed. 

I haven’t sat down and counted all the “Sh!t That Ain’t True” videos to see if every Democrat Senator has posted a similar video using those words because, frankly, I couldn’t stand listening to them all after I had to bear Pocahontas and Scummer, I mean Schumer, do their shtick. It is tiresome. 

I give them a B for effort, an A for execution, and a C- for breaking through to the public. These videos will get a cheer from their base and a shrug from everybody else. And chances are that the Right will come up with some choice memes out of the deal. 

Hopefully I can share a few on Sunday Smiles. 

Memers: get to work. I could use some new material. 

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