Image Credit: State Representative Todd Warner / Facebook
The Tennessee Conservative Staff –
Despite heavy spending from establishment opposition, the grassroots Elevate 2025 slate of candidates made a clean sweep at the Williamson County GOP Reorganization last night.
• Steve Hickey won the Chairman seat with 795 votes.
• Diane Chenard won 1st vice chair with 799 votes.
• Elliott Franklin won 2nd vice chair with 786 votes.
• Courtney Laginess won 3rd vice chair with 791 votes.
• Tim Raynaud won Treasurer with 810 votes.
• Brandon Bell won Assistant Treasurer with 783 votes.
• Leigh Ann Cates won Secretary with 804 votes.
• Peg Raciti won Assistant Secretary with 787 votes.
According to our source, a hand recount was requested by the establishment opposition that yielded three extra votes for Steve Hickey 798 (+3) and one less vote for Brian Clifford 750 (-1).
It was decided that hand recount would not change the results on the other races and let the results stand without recounts.
Following the election results, congratulations from conservatives flooded in on social media.
Tennessee Stands posted, “Congrats to the @elevate2025wilc team for a clean sweep at the Williamson County GOP reorganization. We look forward to another 2 years of great conservative leadership.”
Aimee Fletcher posted:
“We WON!!!! Thank you Lord for the victory. We got these wonderful people pushed over the finish line! It’s a great night for conservatives in Williamson County. Two more years to continue rebuilding the Williamson County Republican Party to restore principled, constitutionally conservative party and elected county and state leadership.”
Fletcher also posted video of the swearing in of the new officers HERE.
State Representative Todd Warner posted, “What a WIN for the Williamson County GOP tonight! A huge congratulations to the strong, fearless conservatives who were elected to lead the charge. This is what it looks like when real conservatives step up, stand firm, and fight for our values.
Williamson County just set the standard for what it means to Make Tennessee—and America—Great Again. The grassroots showed up, and the message was loud and clear: we’re not backing down!
Proud to stand with this team and excited for what’s ahead. Let’s get to work!“