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Pro-Hamas Students Take Over Barnard Library, Police Called In – HotAir

The pro-Hamas students at Barnard College are at it again. For those who missed the backstory, here it is. Last week this group, which is called CUAD, occupied an administrative building to protest the expulsion days earlier of two of their fellow activists. The expulsion was in response to a classroom disruption that happened on the first day of the semester. 

In an effort to get the school to reverse course on the expulsions, CUAD demanded a meeting with Barnard President Laura Ann Rosenbury. And after hours of chanting and drumming that disrupted classes in the building, they agreed to a meeting the following day. But that meeting never happened. President Rosenbury said she would only sit down with three representatives from the group if they removed their masks. They refused. And then she expelled another student over a building takeover that happened last spring.

Unlike some other university administrators, President Rosenbury seems to be taking a harder line. Monday she wrote an opinion piece for the Chronicle of Higher Education titled “When Student Protest Goes Too Far.”

On the first day of classes this January, four masked individuals threatened both our educational mission and our community by disrupting a History of Modern Israel course at Columbia in which several Barnard students were enrolled. This disruption was not designed to expand thinking or advance civil discourse. Instead, it was a calculated act of intimidation, with the disruptors taunting and loudly speaking over the professor, distributing antisemitic flyers, and refusing to join the discussion even when the professor graciously invited them to sit in on the class.

This wasn’t an isolated incident but an escalation of an ongoing threat to our community. Over the last year and a half, an unauthorized group of anonymous individuals calling themselves Columbia University Apartheid Divest have exploited the conflict in the Middle East to try to tear our campus community — our Barnard home — apart.

They operate in the shadows, hiding behind masks and Instagram posts with Molotov cocktails aimed at Barnard buildings, antisemitic tropes about wealth, influence, and “Zionist billionaires,” and calls for violence and disruption at any cost. They claim Columbia University’s name, but the truth is, because their members wear masks, no one really knows whose interests they serve.

After recounting the building takeover last week, President Rosenbury said this:

 Even though all of the disruptors wore masks, we now know the identity of many of them and are continuing to identify the rest. We will vigorously pursue discipline and other remedies against those who forcibly and illegitimately entered the building, damaged or destroyed property, disregarded our community expectations, and violated many policies and rules…

Disrupting classes and defacing buildings to intimidate and divide our community is not academic exploration. It is a betrayal of the goals and sanctity of higher education.

As the only administrator who has actually expelled students thus far, I think she means it. Naturally, the pro-Hamas extremists of CUAD don’t care. Today they escalated once again by taking over the lobby of Barnard’s library and pronouncing it a “liberated zone” (shades of CHAZ/CHOP). Here’s their Instagram post:

The caption reads: 


Wear a mask and keffiyeh, don’t tap ID, and be brave!

NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE WAS A PROMISE! Despite Barnard militarizing campus and inviting NYPD to patrol our academic buildings, we have successfully relaunched our sit-in against the expulsions!

Disruption until divestment! Resistance until return! Agitation until amnesty!

Today, we are here to demand Dean Grinage REINSTATE THE EXPELLED STUDENTS IMMEDIATELY. We are here today in honor of Dr. Hussam Abu Safiya and all Palestinians under zionist occupation and genocide. We fight for amnesty so we can escalate for Palestine!🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸

Nothing will deter us, we will not stop and we will not rest no matter how these institutions try to crush us.

This space is ours as long as we’re here, take back our university. Free Palestine

And here are some photos and video from the scene.

They hung up a puppet of the president.

And also a wanted poster of the Dean of Students.

There’s no question about what they hope to do here.

As they did last week, Barnard handed out written warnings that students were violating school policies. This may seem ineffectual but in this case I think Barnard is doing what major corporations do when preparing to fire someone. They are creating a written record so no one can later claim they a) didn’t know and b) weren’t warned that their behavior was unacceptable. They have been warned now. If they choose to ignore that warning, that’s going to come up later when they are suspended/expelled.

An administrator of some kind tried to make space so other students using the building could get to class. She was told to shut up.

President Rosenbury took the group by surprise by calling in and talking to them by phone. She once again offered to meet with up to three unmasked students.

As you can see, the students first refused to leave unless the expulsions were withdrawn and then refused to leave until the meeting with the president the next day. They held a vote but I think the fix was in.

The signed the library guestbook “Death to America.”

About an hour later a bomb threat was called in to the library but the pro-Hamas students refused to leave.

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