
Shame on the Democrats and their demented loathing for all that is decent

ACCORDING to a recent YouGov poll, 80 per cent of Britons view US President Donald Trump unfavourably. That’s up from 73 per cent only two weeks ago. According to the same poll, just 15 per cent of Britons retain favourable views of Trump. Even among Reform UK voters, a small majority now hold negative views about the man who some of us believe is attempting to save not only the United States, but the West and its civilisation as well.

No doubt his poll numbers among people in the United Kingdom have been negatively affected by what many saw as the unseemly press conference in the Oval Office during the recent visit of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Although I am a fan of both Trump and Vice President Vance, I found myself cringing on occasion. However, despite seeming to violate the rules of hospitality at times, no one can deny the impact it has had on European leaders, forcing them to postpone their weekend plans and meet Sir Keir Starmer in London on the Sunday following the press conference.

I have a deep-rooted suspicion that more people, not just in Britain, but also in Europe and around the world in general, secretly admire Trump and support what he is trying to accomplish in America and would like to see it replicated in their own countries, though I’ve no way of proving this. As someone who has become persona non grata among friends and close relatives after one Facebook post that listed Trump’s accomplishments during his first term in the White House, I am very sympathetic to those who choose not to voice their liking for a man who has been compared to Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini, albeit ludicrously so. Meanwhile, those who openly call for the destruction of Israel and the consequent elimination of those who live there retain the moral high ground. As we say in America, go figure.

In Howard Hawks’s cinematic masterpiece Rio Bravo, Ward Bond asks John Wayne, a beleaguered sheriff with only ‘a drunk and a cripple’ to help him against a corrupt rancher with 40 hired guns, ‘Is that all you’ve got?’ Wayne answers, ‘Well, that’s what I’ve got.’ It’s about time those of us who don’t want the madness to continue to the point where our civilisation falls apart realise that Trump is whatwe’ve got and, despite his mean tweets and occasional boorishness, we should all be grateful that such a person has become the most powerful man in the world at this perilous time in history.

Surely no one could be unimpressed by his recent speech to a joint session of Congress, wherever you stand on the political spectrum. My wife and I, both Trump supporters but not uncritical when he is in the wrong, were privileged to hear such an encouraging and uplifting speech, just the sort a despondent America badly needs to hear at this point in its history. It was also very entertaining and funny at times, President Trump showcasing his irascible wit and impeccable comedic timing to tens of millions of people around the world.

My purpose here is not to analyse Trump’s speech. Many have done a far better job than I could, including in these pages. Suffice it to say, the speech was well received, majorities of those who watched it calling it ‘presidential’, ‘entertaining’, ‘inspiring’ and ‘unifying’. What I want to do instead is to draw attention to the appalling and revealing behaviour of the Democrats present in the US Capitol that night.

Watching their ridiculous antics made me feel sick to my stomach. How pathetic so many of them looked, waving their stupid paddles replete with banal slogans, and the women wearing pink for reasons unknown to me, presumably to show their solidarity with fellow women, reminding me of the deliciously funny Woman to Woman campaign, known in the media as Harriet Harman’s Pink Bus, during the 2015 British general election campaign.

Incidentally, am I alone in missing the Pussyhat, aka the vagina hat? What on earth happened to these splendours of female emancipation? They were literally everywhere just a few years ago, but now they are nowhere to be seen. My goodness, what an endless source of pleasure and amusement junk feminism is – but how destructive of our civilisation.

Observing those Democrats privileged to be present at Trump’s speech reminded me of the depraved state to which their party has sunk. I saw one elderly congressman menacingly waving an ornately decorated cane and causing such a ruckus that the old chap had to be ejected from the building.

I saw men and women who were apparently so consumed by their hatred of America, its culture and history, people so driven by disdain for the nation that provides them with status and affluence, that they were unable to stand to applaud a young boy suffering from possibly terminal brain cancer being awarded an honorary position in the Secret Service, and snubbing the grieving relatives of Laken Riley and Jocelyn Nungaray, both of whom were raped and murdered by illegal immigrants, Jocelyn being only 12 years old.

Then there was Payton McNabb, a young woman partially paralysed and denied her dream of becoming a college athlete when a transgender player (a male athlete pretending to be a female) spiked a ball directly at her head during a high school volleyball game, causing a serious brain injury. She, too, failed to rouse any enthusiasm from the Democrats present. Even a young man just accepted to West Point to serve his country and put his young life on the line was denied any recognition by the party of FDR and John F Kennedy.

Memory of my mother prevents me from using the words I would like to use to describe these dreadful human beings who chose to politicise moments that should have been unifying.

Shame on the Democrats and their demented loathing for all that is elevated and decent, and their perverse attempts to undermine the nation that affords them material comfort and recognition. Upstanding and patriotic Democrats of the past such as Joe Lieberman and Paul Tsongas, not to mention Harry S Truman and Eleanor Roosevelt, would be turning in their graves were they to see what has happened to the party of the working man.

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