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The Tennessee Conservative Staff –
Legislation that could help protect county residents from the impact of economic development within city limits is scheduled to be heard by the House Cities and Counties Subcommittee on Wednesday.
House Bill 0365 (HB0365), sponsored by State Representative Monty Fritts (R-Kingston-District 32), would prevent local municipalities from taking any actions that would affect tax obligations or costs for real property owners outside the municipality’s corporate boundaries without the approval of the county governing agency.
The bill would also require that membership of joint economic and community development boards be proportionally representative of the citizenry over which the board exercises jurisdiction.
According to the text, “at least ninety percent (90%) of a county’s population represented by a board created under this section must be proportionately represented on a per capita basis by the members of such board.”
Boards will have until July 1, 2029, to comply fully with the law, but the bill does stipulate that as current board members’ terms expire, new members, along with satisfying all other criteria for election or appointment, are only considered qualified, “if their election or appointment revises the board’s representation of a county’s population in a manner that incrementally brings the board into compliance,” with the 90% representation requirement.
The legislation is intended to help ensure that county residents have a voice and are kept from paying an unnecessarily through taxes, fees, or other means.
The companion Senate Bill 1404 (SB1404), sponsored by Senator Joey Hensley (R-Hohenwald-District 28), has been referred to the Senate State and Local Government Committee but has not yet been scheduled on that calendar.
If you would like to reach out to any of the members of the House Cities and Counties Subcommittee prior to their meeting on 3/12, please use the contact information below:,,,,,,