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Resolution Calling “Spiritually Inclined” Tennesseans To A Month Of Prayer & Fasting Will Likely Receive Vote On House Floor

Image Credit: TN General Assembly

The Tennessee Conservative [By Paula Gomes] –

Conservative Representative Monty Fritts’ (R-Kingston-District 32) House Joint Resolution 0051 (HJR0051) which calls Tennesseans to a month of prayer and fasting passed in the House State and Local Government Committee on Wednesday and now heads to the Calendar and Rules Committee.

The vote of 19 to 4 along party lines was accompanied by heckling from some seated in the room, with Chairman John Crawford reminding one woman that she would be removed if she could not refrain from interrupting.

Whereas the Senate Calendar Committee decides when a bill reaches the floor for debate, the House Calendar and Rules Committee has the power to determine whether or not a bill reaches the floor at all.

Composed of the speaker, the speaker pro tempore, the majority leader or his designee, the majority caucus chairman, the minority leader or his designee, the minority caucus chairman, two members each of the majority and minority parties appointed by the Speaker, one chairman, and one vice-chairman (also appointed by the Speaker), and the chairman of each standing committee, the House Committee on Calendar and Rules is responsible for the calendar, thereby establishing the schedules of all of the standing committees. 

HJR0051, which according to Fritts is for those “spiritually inclined and physically able” is modeled after a similar resolution that was passed last year which called the state into a time of prayer and fasting for the entire month of July.

Fritts traveled to all 95 counties within the state last July to meet with Tennesseans as they prayed.

“I am convinced we cannot legislate nor budget ourselves out of the hole we are in,” stated Fritts when he spoke with The Tennessee Conservative about HJR0051 in January. “Our resolution is in alignment with the Founders and Framers seeking Almighty God’s hand upon our nation.”

This year’s resolution makes prayer and fasting in July to seek “God’s hand of mercy and healing on Tennessee” an annual event.

The resolution has 32 co-sponsors, all Republicans: Representatives Rebecca Alexander, Jody Barrett, Gino Bulso, Ed Butler, Scott Cepicky, John Crawford, Tandy Darby, Elaine Davis, Clay Doggett, Rick Eldridge, Jeremy Faison, Rusty Grills, Michael Hale, Timothy Hill,Bud Hulsey, Chris Hurt, Kelly Keisling, Sabi Kumar, Aron Maberry, Brock Martin, Jake McCalmon, Debra Moody, Jerome Moon, Dennis Powers, Kevin Raper, Jay Reedy, Michele Reneau, Tim Rudd, Mike Sparks, Chris Todd, Todd Warner, and Jason Zachary.

Read more about the resolution here.

About the Author: Paula Gomes is a Tennessee resident and reporter for The Tennessee Conservative. You can reach Paula at

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