FeaturedGino BulsoHB0052House Bill 0052House Departments and Agencies SubcommitteeSB0473Senate Bill 0473State NewsTennesseeTennessee General AssemblyTennessee House of RepresentativesVALOR ActveteransVeterans Assistance for Livelihood Opportunity and Relief Act

VALOR Act Passes Tennessee House Departments & Agencies Subcommittee

Image Credit: TN General Assembly

The Tennessee Conservative [By Olivia Lupia] –

The Veterans Assistance for Livelihood, Opportunity, and Relief Act (VALOR Act) unanimously passed the House Departments and Agencies Subcommittee in less than three minutes during Tuesday’s meeting.

HB0052 is sponsored by Rep. Gino Bulso (R-Brentwood-District 61) and would exempt veterans with 100% permanent and total disability from a service-connected cause from certain taxes and fees, like those for the registration of one private vehicle. It would further allow these individuals to obtain a permanent hunting and fishing license for the state at no cost. 

The bill’s primary focus is to increase the exemption allowance from local property taxes on property owned and used as the disabled veteran’s primary residence.

During the subcommittee meeting, Rep. Bulso introduced the bill and explained that the bill would increase the property tax exemption for the veterans from $175,000 to $250,000. The last increase was made almost 20 years ago in 2006 when the legislature raised the amount from $150,000 to $175,000.

There were no questions or discussion on the matter, and the question was called, moving the committee to an immediate vote.

The legislation received bi-partisan support, with both Democrat members of the subcommittee joining Republicans to unanimously recommend the bill to the full State & Local Government Committee in an 8-0 vote. 

Members voting “Yes” were Burkhart, Carringer, Chism, Crawford, Eldridge, Martin G, Miller, and Powers.

As of this writing, there is not a set calendar date for HB0052 in the House State & Local Government Committee. 

The bill’s Senate companion, SB0473, sponsored by Senator Janice Bowling (R-Tullahoma-District 16) is still awaiting a date before the Senate State and Local Government Committee.

Olivia Lupia is a political refugee from Colorado who now calls Tennessee home. A proud follower of Christ, she views all political happenings through a Biblical lens and aims to utilize her knowledge and experience to educate and equip others. Olivia is an outspoken conservative who has run for local office, managed campaigns, and been highly involved with state & local GOPs, state legislatures, and other grassroots organizations and movements. Olivia can be reached at olivia@tennesseeconservativenews.com.

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