CaliforniaDonald TrumpFeaturedwaterwildfires

And on the Eighth Day, Trump Said Let There Be Water. And Californians Saw That It Was Good. – HotAir

Okay, I must admit, i’m rather enjoying all this winning. I can now take a bath in it, literally and figuratively. 

Thanks to the stroke of a pen, and the force of the United States military, California’s man-made drought is over. Donald Trump has begun the free flow of water through the spine of the Golden State for the first time in 17 years. 

Let me take you back to the early 2000s. California’s Central Valley was the home to around 220,000 acres of farmland. Now that amount of acreage may not mean anything to you, but in terms of food output, the Central Valley was once responsible for a full quarter of the country’s agriculture output, including 40% of the fruits, nuts, and veggies people eat. In 2000 alone, the State’s agricultural crops combined for a staggering $27.2 billion dollars a year in market value. Back then, this state was not just the largest agricultural state in the Union, it was bigger than number two and three, Texas and Iowa, combined. Until the Delta Smelt swam into the picture. 

A specific variety of bait fish about the size of your fingernail was getting pumped from the California Delta, just east of the Bay Area, into the California Aqueduct that services the rest of the state to the south, grinding up the fish in the pumping stations along the way. The Delta collects from both the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers, and until 2007, all that fresh water was the primary water supply for all parts south of there – Bakersfield, Los Angeles, terminating into Lake Perris in the Inland Empire. All that Central Valley farmland used it to irrigate and grow crops, eventually feeding all of us, with plenty of water left over to service Southern California. Then this little fish was classified as an endangered species, and the pumps were shut down. The water literally stopped flowing, and the crops dried up. Southern California did not receive the water to which it was accustomed, and also lost out in the Colorado River sweepstakes to Nevada and Arizona. Instead of dealing with Californians honestly, Democratic leadership here blamed the sudden water shortage on climate change. 

For 17 long years, farmers and ranchers in this state have been begging for common sense, rationality, and relief from the drought that didn’t need to be. Not one Democrat in this state lifted a finger to fight the bureaucracy on their behalf. It was deemed more environmentally friendly water policy to let all that water flow into the San Francisco Bay and out to sea. It was much more important to protect this freshwater anchovy. How much water, you ask? 

An acre foot is the measurement for a vast amount of water. One acre foot is equivalent to 325,851 gallons. 30 million acre feet flow through the Delta every year on average, accounting for roughly half of the state’s snowpack and water run-off. That’s 97 trillion, 755 billion, 300 million gallons of water a year. Over 17 years, since the Delta Smelt being put on the Endangered Species list and turning the pumps off, that’s 1 quadrillion, 661 trillion, 840 billion, 100 million gallons of usable fresh water literally funnelled into the ocean. 

Donald Trump just ended the madness. On Truth Social and X Monday night, this emergency order from the boss. 

The President has been up to speed on this issue for a very long time. He called out California’s Democratic leaders during his first term that it’s crazy to let all that water dump into the ocean instead of supplying its own residents and farmers. When he was running for the job in 2024, in the much-celebrated three-hour podcast with Joe Rogan, the ails of California came up, and Trump gave an exposition of the insanity of Golden State water management with no notes.

Last Friday, after Trump visited Western North Carolina and wondered why there was no federal response, just like all of the residents of Western North Carolina were also wondering, the response came in. Before the weekend was over, heavy equipment and the Army Corps of Engineers began the cleanup process that Joe Biden’s administration refused to begin. You might think that is enough for one day’s work for this president, but no, Donald Trump flew across the country to survey the fire damage in the Southland and meet with the dumbest collection of governmental leaders any state could possibly assemble, along with a handful of smart people desperate for Trump to go over their heads and act on his own. 

His leadership, demonstrating what a priority California’s water management is to him, led to literally opening up the floodgates Monday night. 

Gavin Newsom, California’s governor, has not yet commented on this latest action. He has been too busy in his previous media appearances flaring his temper at the fact that the federal government is coming into his state and arresting violent illegal aliens and lining them up to be deported. This was supposed to be Gavin’s sanctuary state. His legislature in Sacramento held a special session to divert money from their budget to legal support for illegal aliens in this state subject to deportation. Half of his most populated county just burned up, and he’s worried about protecting child molesters, rapists, murderers and gang bangers from different countries. 

Now that we had some rainfall over the weekend in Southern California, the Democrats in Sacramento have a new idea for how to pay for the wildfire damage caused. Make Big Oil pay for it. 

Do you know what else the feds were up to in this state over the last couple of days? Busting a smuggling ring of Chinese products coming through the Port of Los Angeles in San Pedro. How much smuggling? About $200 million.

There is no drought. There never really was. This state is large enough to have both the resources and a lot of the infrastructure in place to spread those resources throughout it. The infrastructure could be much better. There are lots of ways to capture rainwater run-off before it channels back into the Pacific, if only we had the political will to do so. That political will has never been manifested in Democratic leadership. Donald Trump has indicated that there’s going to be a change there, too. His will be done instead. 

How overjoyed am I at what I’m seeing from Trump nationally? This much. 

How enthusiastic am I about the move to turn on the water in California again? 

This is Day Eight. It began with Mexico President Claudia Sheinbaum capitulating on her refusal to accept repatriation of Mexican nationals here illegally, and now will take them back. It ended with restoring the lifeblood back to California. 

There are 1,461 days in a four-year presidential term. Every day of Trump 2.0 thus far has been spectacular. Imagine how much this country will be rocking if Trump only bats .500 with the remaining 1,453 days in his term. I can’t wait to find out.

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