Image Credit: TN General Assembly
The Tennessee Conservative Staff –
The House Judiciary Committee narrowly passed a bill that would require juvenile courts to charge parents for expenses incurred by law enforcement, if their child commits a third or subsequent offense.
House Bill 0038 (HB0038) as introduced, amends Tennessee Code Annotated Title 37 by requiring “a juvenile court, upon finding a child has committed a third or subsequent delinquent act, to enter an order of restitution against the parent, legal custodian, or guardian who had custody of the child at the time of the act for the expenses incurred by any law enforcement agency in responding to and investigating the delinquent act.”
The bill, sponsored by State Representative John Gillespie (R-Memphis-District 97), would also allow, but not require, courts to impose those charges on the second offense.
State Representative Gino Bulso (R-Brentwood-District 61) raised concerns that the bill makes a presumption that parents are in some way responsible for the delinquency of the minor.
With 9 “yes” votes and 8 “no” votes, the legislation will move on to the Calendar and Rules Committee to be scheduled for the House floor.
Republicans voting against the bill were State Representatives Bulso, Elaine Davis (R-Knoxville-District 18), and Tom Stinnett (R-Friendsville-District 20).