citizenshipElection IntegrityFeaturedHB0202House Bill 0202House Elections & Campaign Finance SubcommitteeJoey HensleyKelley KeislingSB0348State NewsTennesseeTennessee General AssemblyTennessee House of RepresentativesTennessee votersvoter registrationVoting

Bill Requiring Proof Of U.S. Citizenship For Tennessee Voter Registration Scheduled For House Subcommittee

Image Credit: TN General Assembly & Canva

The Tennessee Conservative [By Olivia Lupia] –

A bill which would require any person registering to vote in the state after July 1, 2025, to submit proof of US citizenship has been placed on the House Elections & Campaign Finance Subcommittee calendar for March 4, 2025. 

HB0202 is sponsored by Representative Kelley Keisling (R-Byrdstown-District 38), a seemingly middle-of-the road Republican with a mixed track record

In addition to requiring acceptable forms of proof of citizenship like a birth certificate, US passport, or naturalization documents when an individual registers to vote, this legislation would require the state coordinator of elections to compare the voter registration database with other state and federal agency databases each month and report discrepancies to the state and county election commissions to ensure non-citizens are not registered voters.

Once a potentially illegal voter is identified by the state, county election commissions have five days to notify the voter who must then provide proof of citizenship to the county. If proof is not received within 30 days, the county administrator of elections must purge the voter from the registration database, though there is an appeals process for a citizen where they may present additional documentation to prove citizenship.

The Senate companion, SB0348, is being carried by Senator Joey Hensley (R-Hohenwald- District 28) and has yet to secure a date on the Senate State and Local Government Committee calendar.  

Illegal immigration remains a top priority of Tennessee voters, and the General Assembly did take some measures to align with the federal immigration mandates and actions from the Trump Administration through its passage of HB6001, the illegal immigration omnibus bill which was a product of Bill Lee’s special session last month. 

To contact members of the House Elections & Campaign Finance Subcommittee, see the information below:,,,,,,

Olivia Lupia is a political refugee from Colorado who now calls Tennessee home. A proud follower of Christ, she views all political happenings through a Biblical lens and aims to utilize her knowledge and experience to educate and equip others. Olivia is an outspoken conservative who has run for local office, managed campaigns, and been highly involved with state & local GOPs, state legislatures, and other grassroots organizations and movements. Olivia can be reached at

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