Tommy Robinson is sitting in solitary confinement as I write. He is there for 18 months because he aired a documentary.
Let that sink in. Whatever you think of Robinson–I think he is a brave truth-teller, others think he is a rabble rouser–the sentence is cruel and unusual.
Pedophiles and child rapists, on the other hand, are getting off very lightly or not punished at all in the UK.
🤷♂️so a medium risk to children is OK then.
how about a forecast each day based on how many known perps are roaming the streets?
“sorry, kids, you’ll have to play inside. there’s a high risk of kidnapping in Pembrokeshire this week! maybe next week it’ll only be medium”
— Number Talker 1️⃣4️⃣3️⃣❤️6️⃣3️⃣7️⃣ (@numbertalker) February 27, 2025
There are countless stories like Robinson’s and Thomas Becton‘s. People enjoying a bit of fun with kids who should be in playgrounds is apparently no big deal anymore, but sending out tweets that offend the powers that be can land you in jail or at the very least get you a threatening visit from the police.
Ms Bennett added that her client, a delivery driver who also has qualifications in IT, has no previous convictions, warnings or reprimands. She said Becton, of Ty Newydd, Puncheston in Haverfordwest, has a low risk of reoffending and is a medium risk to children which she suggested could be reduced and managed by him engaging with probation. She referred to an assessment which found Becton to have a “reasonable chance of rehabilitation.”
Addressing the defendant Judge Catherine Richards said: “You don’t need me to tell you these images involved real children being harmed and by your actions you supported the pain and suffering caused to those individual children.”
Explaining the reasons for her judgment she added: “Immediate custody is the natural instinct of anyone hearing the facts of this case. The reality is you would spend half in prison and the remainder on licence and in that short timeframe nothing would be done to deal with your behaviour. It’s a sad reality that these offences are not uncommon. [My] concern is to ensure you do not offend again and to ensure other children are protected.”
She sentenced Becton to 12 months in prison suspended for two years. In addition Becton will have to complete 26 probation appointments, 25 days of rehabilitation and 150 hours of unpaid work. He was also placed on the sex offenders register for the next 10 years.
> “She told the court it described her as “loitering and prostituting from the age of 10”.
People in social services wrote down that they thought a 10 year old girl was prostituting herself and they just did, nothing. Anyone who was aware of this should…
— Madam Bè (@0xm0m0) February 15, 2025
Police have found men diddling with young girls and…arrest the girls for things like indecent exposure.
Some of the two-tier system of justice is based on a preference for people of color over ordinary Britons, but much of what I am seeing is a pretty open tolerance for abusing children for sexual pleasure.
CONTENT WARNING. These were not the actions of a lone psychopath, but involved hundreds of men. Pedophile rapists who make Hamas look like pussycats operated in dozens of UK towns & the police took no action because the perps were Pakistani immigrants. It’s shameful. 1/
— Iona Italia, PhD (@IonaItalia) January 1, 2025
The censorship and coverup of the rape gang scandals in Great Britain were about both. Most of the perpetrators were Pakistani or Bangladeshi, but a substantial number included government officials and even police.
It was all swept under the rug.
🚨BREAKING: A convicted paedophile was allowed to stay in Britain because he would face “hostility” if he was deported back to his home country.
His identity has also been protected.
— S A M M Y woodhouse (@sammywoodhouse1) February 14, 2025
There are countless cases where race was not an issue, though. Jimmy Saville, a popular BBC figure, was known to be a pedophile but the information was never used to punish him for his crimes.
A ‘comedian’ who appeared on Ch. 4, BBC 1 & BBC 2 as an a actor was found with 35,000 SICKENING CHILD IMAGES.
His sentence? 10 months suspended so NO jail time!
Talk about a few sensitive topics or accidentally share the wrong books you get 5 years?
British justice STINKS!
— UNN (@UnityNewsNet) August 17, 2023
Judge Peter Barrie let’s pensioner pervert free even after getting caught with over 3k child porn images,he said I’m sure if you were in front of a child you would do nothing. Blamed being abused whilst young for his actions.
The UK system is broken and is still 2 tier obviously— olly (@ollsy) February 22, 2025
At some point you have to acknowledge that the nonpunishment of a crime is de facto legalization, and Britons who are pedos are not getting punished.
We need to look at the rhetoric used by the msm. Look at this clip from a BBC Newsnight presenter stating that those girls ‘allegedly raped’ by a Syrian refugee, was more ‘sexually experienced’ than those accused. There should never be any excuses for rapists.…
— Dame Andrea Jenkyns 🇬🇧 (@andreajenkyns) January 2, 2025
This is all part of the two-tier justice system in Great Britain, and a particularly troubling one because it normalizes the sexualization of children.
The mass rapes in Britain are still happening
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 3, 2025
I can’t begin to understand how far Britain is falling, but clearly alphabet ideology and DEI are somewhat to blame.
Pedophilia among the privileged has always been a much bigger problem than anybody in the elite has been willing to acknowledge. Hollywood is riddled with pedophiles, and when the victims come out to expose the problem, they are slandered. I wrote about the Berlin government actually and intentionally put homeless boys in foster care with a pedophile, arguing that at-risk kids need love.
In a series of controversial rulings, various UK judges have handed out significantly harsher sentences for inflammatory comments and social media posts…
— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) August 21, 2024
In a series of controversial rulings, various UK judges have handed out significantly harsher sentences for inflammatory comments and social media posts than for serious crimes like child pornography and assault.Cases include an 18-month sentence for chanting “who the f*ck is Allah?” while lighter sentences were given for crimes such as possessing indecent images of children and physically assaulting a police officer.
I have no idea what percentage of our privileged class are pedophiles, and obviously it is not only elites who are. But normalizing sex with kids is clearly on the agenda for far too many people.