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Britain must return to its Christian roots, or else

THE IMPORTANCE of Christianity to our country should never be underestimated. It has provided the cultural underpinning that has shaped our society – until now. Without Christianity, our country would be an entirely different, far less attractive place; we can see that other, less attractive place approaching. Anti-Christian ideologies have exerted ever greater influence and control inside Britain, and are bringing ravenous, alien cultures that trample our traditional Judeo-Christian-shaped society. 

I make no apology for my Christian faith; I am not embarrassed by it, not confused about it, nor concerned by those who try and undermine the validity of Christianity and the contents of the Bible. I once derided enthusiastic Christians and their ‘naïve and gullible beliefs’. I was brought into Christian faith supernaturally, and subsequently questioned its validity in terms of evidence that stands up to scrutiny (or lack thereof), trying to challenge my faith and ensure it was not the misconception of a fool. 

When I tell someone that I am a Christian, they will often say that they didn’t realise I was religious. I say that I am not religious, but have been set free from religion. Jesus was not religious, and He railed against the religious leaders of Israel, labelling them as whitewashed tombs and calling them out as hypocrites and sons of Satan; as people who were all show and no substance, wanting the best for themselves and automatic respect merely because of their self-appointed positions in society. Jesus was not kind and nice to everyone; He called a spade a spade. True Christian faith sets you free from the bondage of the world and its constructed ideologies. In reality, it is those ideologies that are the religions of our world, often conflicting with or directly opposed to Christian morality and values.

Religion is man-made bondage, whether it is the corrupted established church and mainstream denominations which have caved to the social fashions of this world, or the human constructs designed to shackle mankind to their falsehoods (e.g. the political religions of Islam, Woke, Gaia, and the pernicious Socialism). These religions thrive on control by means of falsehoods, fear and oppression. Fear leads to corruption and coercion, as seen in the enabling of Muslim rape gangs, the silencing of critics of climate change ideology, and the destruction of freedom in socialist states.

The ‘Church’ has caved to the ideologies of this world. It is a spent force, bereft of the spirit that gives courage to stand against the anti-Christian forces that have assailed it from without and within. It challenges nothing and nobody, holding no attraction for those seeking something other than this often dire and mundane physical world. The growth of Christian numbers in the UK is coming from those independent churches that are uncompromised by the world. Across the globe, it is those peoples most oppressed and persecuted that flock to Christianity, in places like China and Iran, because it offers a truth and an uncompromising culture, even if it is dangerous for their physical wellbeing – ‘the Truth will set you free’.

Our Judeo-Christian heritage, and the connection society has with it, is yet to pass away entirely. Does that give us hope that, as a Judeo-Christian based society, we can push back the forces ranged against us?

What does it mean to be a Christian nation, for the people and for the country? Why is it existentially imperative that we retain Christianity as the foundation of our culture and society? I am not talking about a society that returns en masse to church on a Sunday, nor takes part in national prayer during times of disaster; I don’t think we will see that kind of massive spiritual revival, and Jesus Himself questioned how much faith will remain on the Earth at the time of His return. I am talking about the cultural Christianity that shapes our values, our expectations of behaviour, of morality; a Christian-shaped perspective of life and the world, encouraging the confidence and moral courage to stand up for truth, and against lies. These are the things that should characterise a Christian society, and these are the things we must use in our fight against those forces that want to destroy our traditional British culture and fracture our society.

Christianity is about what is in the heart. It is about discerning right from wrong, truth from lies, good from evil, light from darkness. It is about spiritual release from earthly fear and bondage; about fighting for those values that give us freedom of thought and courage to do what is right according to our beliefs, heritage and culture; about having the bravery to stand up for those things, and not to fear the authorities and enemies who would bring us harm. Those Christians we’ve watched on videos, kneeling in orange overalls and about to be murdered by ISIS Islamists, took a firm and courageous stand, refusing to cave to the heathens of that murderous ideology. They knew Truth, and refused to be cowed into renouncing it.

That is the difference between a Christian and non-Christian country. Forged and shaped and steered by the foundations of Christian morality and concepts, a society is free in spirit and thought, determined in its fight against the evils of this world – what we used to call the British spirit. That is why we must hold tight, individually and nationally, to our Christian heritage and foundations: to give us the inner strength and standards to fight for what we value, and to not surrender. It is the one unchanging, truly good and firm foundation in a world of shifting quicksand. If we let that go, this country is lost.

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