THE inquiry into the disaster inflicted on the United Kingdom following the emergence, or possibly release, of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has ground its glacial route to the most important issue, that of how those killed and severely injured by the so-called vaccine have been ignored and vilified by a large proportion of their fellow countrymen. This is what Module Four of the Covid Inquiry ‘Looking at Vaccines and Therapeutics’ which opened last week should be about. That Dr Rosalind Jones and several leading medics and science critics of the novel mRNA and RNA vaccine rollouts and especially of the regulatory authority, the MHRA, have not been called to give evidence, throws that into doubt.
Anna Morris KC, who is representing family groups injured by the jab and made her second appearance before the Hallett Inquiry last week, made the issue of censorship central to her opening statement. She recalled YouTube’s censorship of her preliminary statement to Baroness Hallett in September 2023 (reported by TCW here and here). It had left many of those attending in tears, laying bare the truth that so many have tried to suppress – of suicide, disability and death, the youngest victim being 14 and oldest 76, all caused by serious adverse reactions to Covid vaccinations. ‘The treatment of the vaccine-injured in this country historically been a source of shame,’ she had said. YouTube were not going to share those revelations.
In her preliminary submission last Tuesday, the opening day of this module, speaking once more on behalf of just a tiny proportion of the millions who have suffered harm, Anna Morris told the judge that ‘the inquiry must understand the stigma and censorship for the vaccine-injured and bereaved’. She reported a poll of all family members which found that 74 per cent had been censored when talking about vaccines on social media. She also reported how doctors were instructed to keep their concerns from the public, including from their own patients.
The only thing missing from this presentation was any call for immediate withdrawal of these products to prevent further harm being caused in the next decade or so, by which time no doubt this report will have quietly been put away in a bottom drawer.
No right-thinking person listening to Morris could be in any doubt about the industrial-strength censorship that allowed this travesty to occur. While the government, pharmaceutical companies and the regulators could perhaps be expected to follow their chosen route and to deny and hide their mistakes, what was most telling, and profoundly disappointing, was the action she described taken by the medical profession on the front line.
With any new treatment side-effects are certain. The patient leaflet included with the medication says so. When a new treatment is used on such a scale as were these creations, it is vital that side-effects be promptly reported to allow rapid understanding and decision-making. Lives depend on it. In the event some 2,700 ‘fatal outcomes’ of the covid vaccines have been reported. We have the Yellow Card scheme to allow these reports. But they have been ignored by the Public Health authorities, the Chief Medical Officer and the Chief Executive of the NHS downwards and by medical professionals too. It needs to be stated clearly that the reporting of vaccine side-effects is not an optional task. When they give a treatment, whether a drug, a vaccine or any other intervention, they have a moral duty to monitor it and report any problems. It horrifies me to think that many of our GPs have never heard of, or used, the Yellow Card scheme. Are we to believe that they have never seen an adverse effect? Or is it simply that they choose not to?
The problem has been shown to be even deeper. Since the start of the rollout, doctors’ professional bodies and other medical organisations have steadfastly denied any link between injections and problems. Patients who have begged for help have been ignored or accused of having mental disorders. Doctors speaking out have been censored and struck off, ensuring that most remain quiet. The tyranny continues with the GMC calling the shots.
The inquiry addressed this as a problem or result of not wishing to contribute to vaccine ‘hesitancy’. But what they are facing now is no longer hesitancy, rather the start of patients’ outright refusal to co-operate due entirely to doctors’ refusal to listen to real concerns.
This is likely to be only the tip of the iceberg as trust in vaccines has been all but destroyed. The current crop of mRNA offerings deserve nothing else than public scepticism. Even many of the ‘traditional’ vaccines, it is transpiring, came with far more risks than was ever acknowledged, an issue that needs separate study. But of immediate concern in medicine today are the plummeting levels of trust in doctors as a profession. They are victims of their own naivety. Many now see what was done and regret it, but remain quiet. Many still don’t see or don’t care. Or still post lies about the few who try to make the truth known.
The covid event is a medical disaster that was, by and large, self-inflicted. Doctors hid behind telephones and denied treatment to injured patients. They refused to believe the evidence of their own eyes. They attacked their colleagues and still do. They put the perceived status of the profession above their duty of care. The dearth of doctors signing the Hope Accord, which calls for the immediate suspension of all covid mRNA vaccine products, tells its own story.
GP practices may still be earning their pieces of silver by injecting the now proven deadly genetic treatments. In truth it has cost them dearly. They have lost the trust and respect of the nation.
Tumilty is a 72-year-old retired engineer living in North East England after a career in the manufacturing industry (when we still had one). He has used the last five years to research the background and responses to the ‘pandemic’.