
Democrats Can’t Think Beyond a Week, And It is Killing Them – HotAir

Democrats are desperate, and have every reason to be. 

At the moment their poll numbers are in the toilet, they have no leadership that has not been discredited, their most vocal members are clinically insane, and on every big 80/20 issue they are on the 20% side. 

It’s a sticky wicket. 

Time and again we see them adopting “strategies,” which amount to attempts to “change the narrative,” that collapse within a week. 

“Let’s try THIS!” Oops, that didn’t work. How about THIS?! Nope. 

It’s kinda fun to watch, and even inspires a bit of sympathy from me until I remember they are evil pedophilic Satan worshippers. 

The price of eggs was their big cause before they discovered another terrorist-supporter to get behind, and as usual it was a bad move. 

Why the dems ever made this a talking point is beyond me.  The price of eggs was caused by a supply shortage as soon as supply came back, which it would as soon as new chickens matured enough to lay eggs, the price was going to fall off a cliff.  It’s like dems don’t know where eggs come from or that it only takes 4 to 6 months for a chick to mature to an egg layer.   Hatcheries are sold out as everyone and their mother rush to   buy chickens as set up their backyards as a chicken refuge. The supply glut we are going to have is going to be insane.  I wouldn’t be surprised if we get to $1/dozen by mid summer.

It is true that egg prices spiked due to the mass culling of flocks to prevent the spread of bird flu. I am not expert enough to know whether culling was the right strategy, but it was the strategy that both the government and much of the industry settled on, and it caused massive shortages of eggs. 

With shortages come price hikes. One follows the other as duck chicks follow their momma. Supply, demand, and all that jazz. Sucks, but there it is. 

The problem with focusing on egg prices was as obvious as the link between supply and demand. As prices rise, people move into the market to supply the demand. Even with the spread of bird flu it turns out that our agriculture industry knows how to breed chickens at scale, and after a few months, an egg turns into an egg layer. 

When lots of new chickens start laying eggs, the supply of eggs rises, and the prices fall. Because eggs were expensive, every chicken is the one that laid golden eggs. 

Of course, that is economics, and Democrats don’t understand economics any more than they do any other practical thing. They understand bitching, moaning, lying, and grifting. In other words, politics and government, with a bit of cultural dominance to add to the mix. And I have to say the left used to be good at cultural production, creating some great art, but even there they are lazy grifters now waiting for government DEI grants or something. 

Crosses don’t put themselves in urine by themselves, you know. 

Unlike the author of the tweet above, I am skeptical that eggs will drop to a buck a dozen, but they certainly will fall dramatically in price because…economics. We live in a free market economy, mostly, and when the government doesn’t screw things up, supply and demand problems tend to work themselves out in the most efficient way possible. 

Asking a politician to solve an economic problem is like asking your child to maintain a nuclear plant. They may try enthusiastically, but you probably won’t like the result, and the wasteland they would create will be lifeless longer than you may like. See: Great Depression, or modern-day Europe, which is stalling due to excessive regulation. 

Democrats jump from issue to issue, or whining to violence in some cases, because they have nothing else. They are spent, worried that their flow of funds is being squeezed both due to depression among their base and by the collapse of USAID and ActBlue.

They do have some reason to hold onto hope for 2026. The Republicans could screw up, or…well, that is it. 

Republicans are good at screwing up, so there is that…

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