Bud HulseyFeaturedHJR0182nuclear familyState NewsTennesseeTennessee General AssemblyTennessee House of Representatives

HJR 182, Proposed Tennessee Legislation To Designate June 2025 As “Nuclear Family Month”

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The Tennessee Conservative [By David Seal] –

Representative Bud Hulsey (R-Kingsport) is proposing House Joint Resolution 182 recognizing the importance of the nuclear family in Tennessee, the structure of which is defined as a family consisting of one husband, one wife, and any biological, adopted, or fostered children.

The preamble of the resolution states in part that “the nuclear family is God’s perfect design for humanity and is aligned with the long-held traditional values of Tennessee.”

Conversely, the resolution finds that fatherless families experience a set of risk factors that a traditional nuclear family does not, higher rates of suicide and adverse behavior among them. 

The resolution states, “fatherless families are four times more likely to live in poverty than married couple families; children without fathers are ten times more likely to abuse chemical substances; children from fatherless homes are more likely to have mental health and behavioral issues; sixty percent of youth suicides are from fatherless homes; seventy-one percent of high school dropouts are from fatherless homes; fatherless youths are twenty times more likely to be incarcerated; eighty-five percent of youths in prison come from fatherless homes; and in a 2016 study by Peter Langman on the psychology behind fifty-six school shooters, eighty-two percent of the shooters were raised in an unstable family environment or without both biological parents together.”

Hulsey backs up his statement with published research.

A link is provided here to the full text of HJR 182.

About the Author: David Seal is a retired Jefferson County educator, recognized artist, local businessman, 917 Society Volunteer, and past Chairman of the Jefferson County Republican Party. He has also served Jefferson County as a County Commissioner and is a citizen lobbyist for the people on issues such as eminent domain, property rights, education, and broadband accessibility on the state level. David is also a 2024 winner of The Tennessee Conservative Flame Award & has received an accolade from the Institute For Justice for successfully lobbing the TN legislature to protect property rights. David can be reached at david@tennesseeconservativenews.com.

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