ACCORDING to a report in the Telegraph Make exams easier to boost diversity, say lawyers the board of the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) say that a number of lawyers and training providers have voiced concerns that black and Asian candidates’ lower pass rates in the Solicitors Qualifying Exams threaten to undermine their quest for greater ‘diversity’ in the profession. They recommend easier questions for black and Asian applicants including multiple choice. TCW has had a sneak preview of sample questions.
How do you spell your chosen profession? Is it . . .
a) Suliciter
b) Slissitur
c) Solicitor
Which of the following best describes ‘law’?
a) An often-told tale about something that happened in the past
b) An abbreviation of ‘Lord’, as in the song Lawdy Miss Clawdy
c) Rules for an orderly society set by precedent and the legislature
A client is charged with watching horrific pornography involving children and babies. Do you . . .
a) Advise them to plead not guilty
b) Warn them that they will be given a lengthy sentence
c) Tell them to plead guilty as they will just have to pick up some litter as a punishment
A client has been arrested for a ‘hate crime’ after posting a meme about ‘two-tier’ policing on Facebook. Do you . . .
a) Have a good laugh and tell them not to worry
b) Tell them they might get a caution
c) Recommend that they get used to slopping out
A parent tells you that their daughter has been sexually assaulted by a group of immigrants. Do you . . .
a) Sympathise and say you will do everything to help
b) Sympathise and say you will do everything to help but they have a Labour MP
c) Sympathise but say there is no point in taking any action as the police will not believe your daughter
A client has been recommended for deportation following a prison sentence for a terrible crime. Do you . . .
a) Suggest that Tk Maxx sell good suitcases
b) Advise them to fight the order
c) Tell them to go home and relax as the Home Office can’t be bothered to follow up
A client has an urgent request to expedite a house sale. Do you . . .
a) Immediately spring into action and apply for searches etc
b) Delegate the case to a legal assistant
c) Put the file in a pile
A client believes they have been badly injured by Covid-19 injections. Do you . . .
a) Encourage them to seek damages from the person who administered the injections
b) Seek damages from the Government and/or their employer
c) Advise them to make the most of the time they have left
After a couple of years working in a practice you have not been offered a partnership. Do you . . .
a) Shrug your shoulders
b) Endeavour to prove your competence
c) Claim racial discrimination and seek damages
A judge or chairperson asks you to speak more clearly in a court or tribunal. Do you . . .
a) Revert to your native language and ask for interpreters
b) Swear at the judge in your native language
c) Use Google Translate on Speaker mode
Note to Applicants:
Those who choose answers c will pass.
Congratulations! You are now a solicitor!