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Irrational Anger at the World Doesn’t Work Anymore

Somebody needs to tell the Dems! President Trump is on the march, setting a course for a revitalized America rising from the ashes phoenix-like. He has set about rebooting our country; we should all be incredibly grateful that we have this opportunity that many had long since given up on. How far he can go depends on his will, the courts, and a Congress that may wish to restrain him. A lot of oxes stand to be gored.


The Manufactured Chaos: Media’s Favorite Illusion:-

The ever-loyal MSM, along with a growing number of conservative websites, misrepresents what is happening, too often inferring chaos and a disconnected purge by a conquering army. Barely acknowledged are the almost hourly revelations of waste, fraud, and abuse even the left’s supporters admit to be true to one degree or another. The Dems natural inclination to deflect, use of fighting words, outright rejection, and bluster are the order of the day.

“They’re trying to change everything overnight, Trying to reinvent the government, and I don’t think they can do it.”) said a federal employee. 

Trump is immensely more prepared this time than last; however, this doesn’t guarantee his success. Daily, more outrages seem to be making his case. For instance, the Census Bureau says that 80,000 people over 100 live in our great land. However, Social Security appears to have over 18 million people over 100 years old still on the rolls. What else to call it except criminal incompetence?

President Trump could do better articulating and helping average Americans understand that the apparent chaos is anything but. However, Trump’s communication style is not conducive to lowering anyone’s temperature; perhaps Trump needs a better surrogate.

The first casualty of reason is an intellectually lazy default to emotion, specifically—anger. Leading the emotional charge is our spring-loaded propensity to ascribe the worst intentions to the target of our anger. At the same time, the second casualty of reasoning is intellectual laziness, leading to seeing the world through a lens of equality of opinion.


Caring with OPM: The Progressive Playbook:-

Progressives insist they have a lock on caring, which they will demonstrate to you by spending Other People’s Money (OPM) or restricting individual freedoms as their default action time and again. They do whatever they do in the name of fairness as if that word transforms them into superheroes who can deflect and overcome every logical argument or truth we muster as a counterpoint. Dems’ virtual caring takes almost no effort and is the reflexive statement progressives proclaim, yet it won’t translate into a better life founded on accomplishment. Instead, it is linked at the hip to fickle government largess that comes and goes. People who live on the dole should understand that this automatically makes them second-class citizens. This is the nexus reason why so many people are always angry.

Accepting unearned government support as a way of life damages one’s psyche, leading to irrational anger

Examples of people acting out their frustrations, maledictions, distorted worldviews, and intellectual nonsense are evident everywhere:

Take your pick of the above or any of a thousand other news items popping up on our social media daily, like out-of-control nuclear fission. A noticeable societal change accompanies widespread high emotion. Progressives talk about de-escalating all the time. The Baltimore Mayor who said, “Give them space” to riot, burn, and loot was somehow an easy solution to a supposed niggling problem, not the rapidly spreading virus that it was we witnessed exploding across our country, birthing the lawless country we are today. In many places around the world, parties on the right are ascendant. Liberals talk about authoritarianism and threats to democracy without understanding why, here and abroad, people who never thought of themselves as conservative have decided that law and order are now more important than feel-good emotions and a vast cradle-to-the-grave social security system. The recent Munich Conference saw J.D. Vance throwing cold water on several European leaders; they didn’t like it one bit.

Perhaps an even bigger story is the rapid rejection by individuals disinclined in the past to take a conservative law and order stand who either changed the way they voted or engaged in normal, sane political discourse for the first time. Concurrently, we are seeing disengagement by formally strident progressives. A quick look at how MSNBC and CNN are doing shows that their viewership is sharply down, and with it, the now lonely pitchmen and women who ginned up fear-mongering, lies, half-truths, and anti-American vitriol every minute of every day on some of these outlets now mouth their rhetoric to empty screens. Management has noticed, resulting in realignments, downsizing, and even, perish the thought, more balance being discussed.

Looking for validation? Watch Trump’s pole numbers reach their highest level ever. Americans are captivated by a politician marching forward without fear, staying on course, and doing exactly what he said he would do. That’s unprecedented in our lifetime! The corollary to that is how frightening this is to the Deep State and the millions of progressives whose feelings are being trampled on, and more importantly, the money they’ve been cut off from.



Let’s hope that the millions who are angry or in shock and believe their democracy has fallen will find that America winds up in a better place. Releasing anger is a prerequisite to achieving a healthy and normal level of contentment. Donald Trump is neither a devil nor a saint. He is, however, the leader of the most powerful nation on Earth, and he believes we can return to sanity and a nation once again that is both God-centered and Framer-inspired.

Can’t we all agree that would be a good thing?

Allan J. Feifer—Patriot

Author, Businessman, Thinker, and Strategist. Read more about Allan, his background, and his ideas to create a better tomorrow at

Allan J. Feifer shares his thoughts and analysis on a variety of conservative topics utilizing his background in international business, warfighting, and analysis.  Allan’s history includes a generalist view of our country and the world, first-person discussions with national and regional leaders, and working and serving in conflict zones, giving him a unique insight into local and world events.  Listen to Allan as a guest commentator on national and regional radio and subscribe to his “thinking man’s” blog on each week.  Allan is a frequent contributor to American Thinker.

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