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Miliband sacrifices Britain to his global warming god

THE TOTAL DESTRUCTION of Great Britain is well under way and proving a highly successful venture, thanks to one man and one man alone: Ed Miliband. 

Given free rein by Sir Keir Starmer, Miliband has been religiously concreting fracking wells, shutting down North Sea oil and gas exploration, and enthusiastically acceding to a misguided and out-of-order judge who has banned the expansion of two important North Sea oil fields, Jackdaw and Rosebank. He has been hard at work at removing ten per cent of food-growing farmland to install solar panels (made in China) and destroying yet more farmland for wind farms and the thousands of additional pylons needed to transmit the unreliable power from them.

The utter absurdity of it is made even more outrageous because wind and solar rely on subsidies, currently £12billion a year, to ensure that the operating companies (mostly foreign owned) make a profit regardless. That’s not the end of this farce. Under the so-called Contracts for Difference, when the renewables are generating more electricity than the grid can handle, the operators are paid to turn them off.

With electricity prices the highest in the developed world, and four times higher than in the US, what remains of our manufacturing industries are closing down – Port Talbot Steelworks, Grangemouth Refinery, and Vauxhall factories to name but some – or they are moving abroad. Meanwhile, coal-fired power stations in Germany are being restarted, and having their lives extended in Australia. In Britain, the last one was shut down in September 2024 and demolished.

Miliband’s fanatical promotion of wind and solar power is accompanied by lie after lie. Power prices will not come down; they will continue to go up. Jobs will not be created; they will be destroyed. It takes seven staff to run a 12-turbine wind farm; a 1,400-megawatt coal fired power station in New South Wales, Australia employs 378 staff, not including all the employees of the supplying coal mine.

The tragedy is that it’s all totally unnecessary. The global warming crisis, as awake TCW readers already know, is a fiction. None of the world’s wind farms, solar farms and electric vehicles is necessary, rather a polluting waste of space, effort and, above all, money. Not one of the multitudes of rent-seeking scaremongering organisations has ever produced a scintilla of provable evidence for manmade global warming. None of the wildfires, droughts, floods, hurricanes or other so-called extreme weather events is unprecedented. Empirical data in the public record going back centuries proves this. Eminent scientists have demonstrated there is no climate emergency, that climate change is natural and has been going on since Planet Earth was formed. Interestingly too, historical data unfailingly shows that warm periods in the past thousands of years have been followed by increased CO2 in the atmosphere, not preceded by it; the mediaeval warm period and the Roman warm period being good examples. 

All of this is detailed in Climate: The Movie. It also explains how and why the climate cult been so enthusiastically embraced by so many supposedly well-educated and smart world leaders and industrialists. 

It also debunks the widespread belief that 97 per cent of scientists are said to agree that CO2 is warming the planet, a figure that is entirely fabricated, based on 77 anonymous scientists who, out of 10,257, responded to a survey. The original rebuttal made in a lecture given by Marc Morano of the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) in 2016 is, typically, no longer accessible online.

Everything is either blamed on or seen to be responsible for climate change: dramatic weathers are the symptom; growing your own vegetables in your allotment or cows are the cause. It’s the reason for increasing rat populations in cities around the world, in case you missed that one. Panicked by this onslaught of ‘annihilation’ terror, over 300 local authorities have declared a climate emergency. 

As the madness comes closer to affecting every aspect of our everyday lives, can it be stopped? The vigorous pursuit of climate change indoctrination throughout schools and universities, and too many beneficiaries of the global climate lobby – of USAID and Bill Gates – peddling scare stories daily, make it a tough but not impossible challenge. 

The arrival of ‘drill, baby, drill’ Donald Trump in the White House and his pulling out of the WHO and the UN, while also dismantling USAID, offers a glimmer of hope. We have to hope it has not come too late for the UK. Hopefully, we won’t have to say goodbye to all the trappings of the developed world’s agreeable lifestyles and say hello to austerity and poverty, the all-too-real dystopian horrors that Miliband fanaticism will bring. 

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