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Murder, rape, kidnap, robbery – forgivable crimes of a misunderstood migrant

RECENT revelations concerning sentencing guidelines provoked controversy, with shadow justice secretary Robert Jenrick suggesting that the recommendations have a ‘blatant bias’ against Christians and straight white men. Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood has announced her displeasure at the suggestions. While firm decisions are yet to be made, the new guidelines were quietly tested at a recent trial at the Old Bailey with little fanfare. TCW’s Court Correspondent has the details.

HIS Honour Judge Twistleton-Fakenham’s judgement, given in full below, encapsulated the difficulties faced by the judiciary. For legal reasons we have had to omit the defendant’s name.

‘Mr X, you have been found guilty of several crimes committed here in the United Kingdom, viz murder, rape, kidnap, extortion, grievous bodily harm and robbery. Quite naturally these heinous crimes warrant a long term in prison. However, it would also be unwise for me not to consider your personal circumstances which Counsel have correctly brought to my attention. I will deal with these one by one before passing sentence.

‘Firstly, you have established a family life here in Great Britain, and while 11 children born to various women might be seen by some as unusual, it is not up to me to pass opinion. What I do know is that your youngest son is partial to “hot ’n’ spicy chicken wings” available at your local fast-food emporium. I have been informed that the secret spices recipe which makes these mouth-watering morsels so tasty is sadly unavailable in your home country. I find this persuasive and credible mitigation.

‘Additionally, you have recently joined the Bomb and Shoot Them organisation in your home country. As you know this is a proscribed body, and as such you would be exposed to prosecution should you return home. I must take this all too real likelihood into account.

‘Furthermore, despite fathering 11 children over a four-year period, I gather that you are in fact a practising homosexual who would face persecution should you be returned home. No one in their right mind would countenance such an outcome – especially if it can be easily avoided.

‘I have also been apprised of your recent conversion to Christianity. This is a commendable change of direction and one that to me, demonstrates a new and better chapter in your life and a determination to do the right thing.

‘Finally, I am minded to consider your ethnicity, and the fact that you were unlikely to be fully conversant with the law of the United Kingdom. Some, if not all your misdemeanours, might not have occurred had you a better grasp of both our legal rules and our language itself.

‘Given the above, and mindful of the need to send out a strong message of deterrence to others who might feel that in some way the UK is a judicial soft touch, it is incumbent on me to pass what I feel is an appropriate sentence, which is six months’ community service. I know that this might seem harsh, and for some people a cruel and unusual punishment, yet we must be seen to be doing the right thing. You are free to go.’

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