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The Tennessee Conservative [By Olivia Lupia] –
No more bills can be filed for this year’s legislative session as the deadline was Feb. 6, but Senator Paul Rose (R-Lauderdale-District 32) and freshman conservative Representative Michele Reneau (R-Signal Mountain-District 27) filed their bill expanding categories of those who would not be required to use preferred pronouns just in time.
Their legislation, HB1262 / SB1252, would seek to change language in Tennessee Code Section 49-6-5102 to include students in the list of those in the public school system who are not legally required to use preferred pronouns.
Currently, the code only lists, “Teachers and employees of public schools and LEAs” as those who do not “shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression while at work” in an educational setting. This bill would add students to that list and add the words, “and school” after “work” to ensure children and minors would be afforded equal protection of their freedoms.
Given that the law also states, “the use of pronouns…in an educational setting is a matter of free speech or expression,” these proposed revisions would guarantee, “a teacher, employee, or student of a public school or LEA is not required to use a preferred pronoun of a teacher, school employee, or student if the preferred pronoun is not consistent with the student’s biological sex.”
The bill would further ensure that a teacher, employee, or student would not be civilly liable or subject to employment or disciplinary action for using the biologically correct pronoun, regardless of a person’s preference.
This appears to be an excellent piece of legislation aimed at protecting Tennessee’s children alongside all those who exercise their right to adhere to scientific, God-ordained truth.

Olivia Lupia is a political refugee from Colorado who now calls Tennessee home. A proud follower of Christ, she views all political happenings through a Biblical lens and aims to utilize her knowledge and experience to educate and equip others. Olivia is an outspoken conservative who has run for local office, managed campaigns, and been highly involved with state & local GOPs, state legislatures, and other grassroots organizations and movements. Olivia can be reached at