Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.
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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”
Visit, the most important website on the internet, and see firsthand the massive Stasi-like domestic spying operation in the US which is targeting you and your loved ones.
Surveillance knocked me out while driving the car today. So that knockout beam is portable and they using it on the road. I record everywhere I go on multiple dashcams, so if I get burned in, one of my relatives will be contacting people from Farce to Vox with my real ID. If posting here stops, rally over at Farce’s site, and maybe you can get the relative to pull the dashcam video for yesterday. You will hear me telling a passenger the beam they are hitting me with at night my be fucking up my head, and making my brain prone to turn off during the day – an observation borne of what I was feeling in the moment, where I was so tired, I was kind of slipping into sleep for moments, with my eyes open. Next thing, the cam will show the car drifting across the road to the other oncoming lane, before my passenger yelled, I came back and recovered. The car in front of me will then peel off, and just like that I will no longer be tired, or drifting out. The fact they made it look like the car in front of me makes me think it is probably installed somewhere in my car, but who knows.
They had been threatening this for a while. Here was one example, an email I got out of the blue from somebody I never heard from before, which came around the time they started doing this while I was driving a couple of months ago:
I did not realize there was any more to the american stasi site after you had finished the book. I saw you or someone had posted a link to the site concerning the guy down in NYC the other day.
I will have to go back and see what else is new over there.
But anyway, I saw a reference to this guy Jeff Rense last night. You may know him. He has or had a radio show that was about conspiracies and stuff. Kind of a funny looking guy. I went go have a look at his website because I didn’t know he was still working, and I saw he had posted this page just a couple of days ago i guess.
In case you were interested and didn’t see it, I just thought I would point it out.
“I did not ‘fall asleep’ at the wheel and drift off the road. I was FULLY alert. Until something shut off my brain and instantly knocked me out at the wheel. Yes, ‘they’ have emf and laser beam weapons that are highly accurate and are used at distance to do exactly that. These weapons have been around since the 1980s.”
Then further down in the article he alleges that something woke him from a coma after the crash to tell them not to do brain surgery on him.
I immediately was thinking of your site when I started reading this.
I responded, ignoring the subtext, which I recognized, but making clear God wants me here in this battle, so I am here to the end:
On 12/7/2024 at 9:58 PM, ac wrote:
I hope American Stasi will serve as a repository of Cabal-related
surveillance stories, so I will add to it here and there. Some will be additional material you have seen, but some will be newer stuff.On the Rense story, I don’t doubt they can do that. I get knocked out all the time in the house.
At the end of the day. I have Zero doubt God put me here for this.
Everything, from the nature I was born with, to seeing predators attack animals I fed as a little kid back when I was helpless, to encountering the bullies they sent in as a teenager when I was not helpless, to signs God has given me more recently, it has all set me on this path, in a way I
could not stop if I wanted to. And add to that the timing. I could have done this in the eighties, or nineties, or oughts, or teens, and it would have been shoveling shit against the tide. But the way God worked it, I see no way the timing, just as everything is getting revealed, just as everyone realizes all of this is possible, even probable, is coincidental.I have no doubt what I set in motion will piggyback that, and all of this will come out soon.
I have no idea if I follow this through to the end, and am part of what I hope will be a massive trigger-pulling melee some day, or if I burn in before then, and just help my kind reach that point. Honestly I do not care. I understand Live Free Or Die, and I am not living willingly under evil and being disloyal to my kind.
I wanted a good fight when I was a kid. God gave me one. I trust He will take care of what I cannot, and I will accomplish what He wants, whatever that is.
Thanks for the link and the support.
Their response:
Thanks for your work. I am sure you are right about being in the place you need to be when you need to be there.
I have seen that many times myself.I just have been listening to a podcast while I was eating my dinner. It is a conversation between a guy named Dick Allgire who does remote viewing, and another guy called ‘Jean Claude’ something.
I dont know really who Jean Claude is, but within this podcast, he said that he is a former somewhat high-up goverment official type. The other guy Dick Allgire, I have seen his videos here and there. He does remote viewing, but interspersed in his videos are many references to his kind of controllers or handlers. He doesnt say who they are, but he is very up-front that he is on a leash.
I took the time to type out a few sentences that this guy Dick Allgire was saying [because i dont know how to get a transcript from rumble], which I will stick at the end of this email for context, but this is kind of the money shot-
that got the attention of certain people, and everyone with an apptitude in any faculty- medicine, technology, music, arts, literature, remote viewing-
people of capabilities are at the very least watched and for the most part guided and for the most part brought on board.I feel like he is basically describing your same stasi organization, but he is kind of an insider and thinks it is good.
The other salient remark in my little transcript is that this guy says that he, clif high, and several other kind of fringe podcast type people all are also on the inside of this little organization.
that got the attention of certain people, and everyone with an apptitude in any faculty- medicine, technology, music, arts, literature, remote viewing-
people of capabilities are at the very least watched and for the most part guided and for the most part brought on board.
civilization moves forward… the people who run this place they plan a hundred years in advance.
what we have here with the dept of gov efficiency is we’re coming to a new time when technology is going to be used for administration, for governmance.
the purpose of government is to count um to count the product, human beings are the greatest natural resource on earth and the product of our output is a commercial enterprise.
the reason we have counties in every country is to do the counting, they count the output.
we’re coming to a time when this can all be done with blockchain distributed ledger technology.
so what they did was, they use corporations to parse out technology little by little, like ibm international business machines that for over a century has put technology out.
[talks about how technology has to be built up over time.]
one of the ways and this is really going to disturb people because im an influencer, i was told about all this seven years ago.
what we’re seeing now was laid out to me over seven years ago, and part of this was cryptocurrencies.
i was told ‘dick, the financial system is going to go digital, you can be very comfortable, because of your remote viewing.
it should allow you to just be able to think your thoughts, do your remote viewing, and live in a comfortable place, and not think about money and just learn about cryptos’, and i did and i am’
i met you and i met jsnip , i knew clif, i met bix. bix came to maui, i flew over and spent the day with bix and learned about cyptos from him.
so now we dont have to worry about money.
but the way it was given to us, this can be hard for people to take is
‘oh we’re going to bring down the evil bankers, oh the money lenders, these evil people who took over our system by printing money out of nothing and took over the government.
they are not the top of the pyramid.’
I am not sure what I am supposed to take from that. As far as I am concerned, even if that were true (and it is probably psyop), but if it were true, there is no life of any meaning to be made among people who would put into power, and make rich and happy, guys who are fucking their own brother’s daughters while smoking crack. I would rather be poor, and live among men with honor than live rich among the degenerates they promote like the Bidens.
You can tell a lot about people by what they assume of others. Here, the machine assumes if it shows it will kill me if I continue, I will willingly don my own shackles for it, and then beg it to be allowed to torture some innocent for it, to save myself.
It tells me, if we can expose the surveillance, they probably cannot imagine what that will bring. There only advantage is the fact we are asleep. If we awaken our kind, I do not think the tech will be enough to stop all of us, vs all of their weaker minds and spirits.
The plan is the same – tell everyone about Until then, be aware domestic surveillance in the United States is now hitting people with some kind of energy beam while they are driving to shut off their brain and cause accidents, so if you begin to feel yourself just wildly tired behind the wheel, to the point your brain is shutting off uncontrollably, and especially if your eyes feel weird and begin kind of jerking/spasming for just an instant every twenty or thirty seconds, without your control, pull over and take a nap. It seems sleep, even just a few minutes, can give you enough juice to stay awake. And you need to stay away from the cars around you as much as you can, in the event it is coming from them. Beyond that, trust unto God. At the end of the day, they are nothing compared to Him, and His plans for you.
I am still firmly convinced, God has our back, and not theirs, and we will win.
Don Jr links on Twitter to a thread of videos of Ukrainian recruiters grabbing innocent men off the streets to ship them to the front, without training, in handcuffs, to face off with the Russians. It even highlights the cowardice of the recruiters, all of whom should be killed just for their cowardice. I honestly hope Putin now rolls into Kiev, and avenges these innocent kids. Zelensky and all of his deputies cannot be murdered brutally enough by the Russians for my tastes. But Don Jr would not tweet anything which went against the policy objectives of the President, so I think it safe to assume the US is done with Zelensky, and will be getting its access to Ukrainian rare earths through a deal with Russia. It is nice to see our government finally reject evil and side with good.
Haitian man charged in NC triple murder flew into US under Biden migrant flights program: ICE. Does anybody know how I could get a job with the people who imported this asshole? Importing guys like this into this beautiful country so they could stab innocent people sounds like the type of thing I want to spend my life doing. If I could just help the people who imported this guy by getting them coffee, my life would be so fulfilling.
Shades of Randy Quaid’s story of Hollywood agents who belonged to the “Celebrity Star-Whackers” forging his deeds and stealing his properties, before trying to kill him to cover it up:
Elon Musk announces birth of ‘14th’ child: a son named Seldon Lycurgus, with Shivon Zilis, a Canadian executive at Neuralink, his neurotechnology firm. Oddly enough all these women are Jewish, though I do not know if it is significant.
Former Republican congresswoman Mia Love is dying from glioblastoma, a type of brain cancer. IIRC, Ted Kennedy, John McCain, Robert Novak, Beau Biden, and that is just off the top of my head. I will bet you anything that is some kind of device deployed by domestic surveillance, and it is on everyone associated with politics. Because they focus their shit on your head.
This asshole, who funneled COVID patients into nursing homes at the behest of the criminal conspiracy we should all want to serve, thinks he will be President at some point because the Democrats have nobody else:
Google Chrome users warned to delete 16 popular extensions due to ‘malicious’ threat risk.
Ezra Cohen asks:
NHS is spending more than £100million a year on transgender treatments, enough to hire 2,500 nurses.
NATO tells Zelenskiy to restore relationship with Trump. Kind of a clueless order. Trump would not have done what was done, unless he felt the abject hatred for Zelensky any decent person should feel. It is amazing to me, if this is real, the head of NATO cannot grasp that kind of hatred is impossible to turn off.
The UK has pledged a £2.26bn loan to Ukraine, which Zelenskyy said will be used for weapons production, and paid back with revenues from frozen Russian assets. So basically Britain is going to give Zelensky £2.26bn of British taxpayer money, which the government should have no right to give to anyone but British citizens, so Zelensky can keep shipping young Ukrainians off to the front in handcuffs to be killed by Russians, and then the UK will steal Russia’s interest on its bank accounts, and claim it pays off the “loans.” How the fuck are we even allies with a government of literal criminals like that?
Voters massively back Trump approach to ending Ukraine war:
Norwegian fuel supplier refuses U.S. warships over Ukraine. It turns out they are profiting massively from the embargo on Russian fuels, and fear Trump will end the war.
Zelensky is done — former CIA analyst.
Ukraine routinely bucks US interests at the UN — despite receiving $175B: State Department data.
DNI: Zelensky has just banned ANOTHER opposition party and taken over TV station.
The kicker is, God willing, Putin will own Ukraine’s rare earths too, soon, so one deal will cover all of them:
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