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Return to a Lethal US Military In, Transgenders Out – HotAir

When I saw a blurb about the Navy returning to sanity this morning, it was pretty gratifying. 

The Navy confirms male and female are the only sexes it will officially recognize.

Man – this should really help send those boffo recruiting numbers from last month soaring. Back to normal bathrooms for only two sexes – imagine that.

Navy personnel will no longer see questions about gender identity when they fill out forms, and single-sex spaces on ships and bases can now be designated only as male or female.

Those changes are part of new guidance the service issued this week in response to an executive order requiring federal agencies to adopt a binary definition of sex.

A Navy memo dated Tuesday states that the U.S. recognizes two sexes, which “are not changeable.” It notes the Defense Department’s intention to halt references to what is dubbed gender ideology.

The Navy will review policies for “intimate spaces” at its facilities, aboard ships and elsewhere to make sure that they are designated by sex rather than gender.

Intimate spaces include bathrooms and single sailors’ living quarters on base and in ship berthing.

Right off the bat, though, I thought of the young female Natl Guard recruit in Army basic who’d tearfully contacted her mom – who had then contacted their congressman – because she’d been forced to shower in those lovely open squad bays and use the communal heads of yore with a fully equipped and endowed male who identified as a female recruit.

What on earth practical effect, I wondered, would this have on transgenders already in the military?

Turns out, no one’s going to have to worry about that anymore, either. 

The official word came down last night.

Oh – thank GOD, IT’S OVER.

…- Service members diagnosed with gender dysphoria will be disqualified from military service unless they receive an exemption. 

– Individuals who have taken cross-sex hormones or undergone sex-change surgery are also disqualified from serving.

From a purely fiscal standpoint, money spent to indulge mental illness for a deviant social experiment that was sorely needed elsewhere to maintain readiness or enhance training is money inexcusably wasted.

…A Congressional Research Service report, updated last month indicated that the DoD spent approx. $15 Million on the medical needs of transgender members (both surgical and nonsurgical) for 1,892 active-duty service members between 2016-21. 

Another report estimates that  the DoD spent over $26 Million on transgender medical costs: $17M on psychotherapy, $1.5M on hormone drugs, and $7.6M on sex change surgeries since 2020. 

This move by the DoD is estimated to save tax payers tens of millions of dollars and will no longer force the American people to foot the bill for gender dysphoria medical care.

A group of six active-duty transgenders already had a lawsuit filed against Trump’s executive order instructing the SecDef to ‘ensure “invented and identification-based pronoun usage” is not the department’s practice.’ 

Last night’s Department of Defense order clarifies the department’s justification, delineates their course of action, and provides relief for affected transgenders who wish to remain in uniform if they meet the waiver requirements and the service has a ‘compelling need’ to retain them.

…“Service members who have a current diagnosis or history of, or exhibit symptoms consistent with, gender dysphoria will be processed for separation from military service,” a memo included in the court filing states.

The memo adds that the military will consider granting waivers on a “case-by-case basis” only if there’s “a compelling government interest in retaining the service member that directly supports warfighting capabilities.”

If the servicemember did qualify for a waiver, they would no longer qualify as ‘special flower’…

…If a waiver is issued in either case, the applicant would still face a situation where only their biological sex was recognized for bathroom facilities, sleeping quarters and even in official recognition, such as being called “Sir” or “Ma’am.”

…so would there be much point?


Not anymore, bucko.

I find it doubtful many of the serving trangenders, if any, could meet the waiver standards should they even attempt it. They are strict.

That middle one is the kicker – you have to ‘demonstrate’ you were a transgender who never tried to transition.

If someone has been hitting the ‘ville in dresses and make-up and using the girls’ room routinely, well – good luck.

As a good number of trangenders only joined to have the taxpayer foot the bill for their self-mutilation and drug therapies – as explained by this hard-core non-patriot – my sympathy meter is pegged.

It’s going to be a frickin’ shame to lose this abomination.

I hope they have a massive bonfire for all of his propaganda videos – the ones taxpayers paid for.

I’ve seen estimates of between 8-15,000 active duty transgenders this will impact.

The order is pretty clear about the separation-from-service part, too. If a member has a current gender dysphoria diagnosis, or a history of, or exhibits symptoms of the same and has not been granted a waiver, they ‘will be processed for administrative separation.’

It’s all pretty cut and dry, and the 60-day clock is ticking.

…The memo said that the Pentagon must create a procedure to identify troops who are transgender within 30 days and then within 30 days of that, must start to discharge them from the military.

And you know there will be court challenges, but the last time Trump closed the military to transgenders, SCOTUS reinstated his ban by granting a stay of two lower court injunctions. The 2020 election came before the lawsuits could make their way up the chain, and with the Biden administration dropping the ban against transgenders, the courts terminated the cases

No doubt SCOTUS will wind up hearing this.

I may have posted this before ages ago, but I am going to again. I have always been a firm believer that trans have no place in the military. The military does not exist to indulge their purely elective ‘needs.’ As Ebola pointed out when I sent him the memo today, you’re not allowed to join with diabetes to get a new kidney.

Which was one of the objections I had way back in 2017:

The military is about the collective, not accommodation. It is about YOU meeting the military’s needs, not the military meeting yours. Service is not a “right,” it is a privilege. Flat feet will keep you out as well, and would require no extensive surgery, no time lost for counselling or drug therapies, nor a lifetime of government funded aftercare, yet the flat foot lobby is ignored. There are no courses designed for “Clinical Care: the Flat Footed”, like the course I’ve included below related to transgender care. The strawmen about “what about blacks/women when THEY weren’t welcome” is precisely that. No surgical intervention required, no counselling, no time lost to the unit because black or female. Even the pregnancy canard falls to the wayside. Once that baby is birthed? Back to work. And no VA care commitment for the rest of the mother’s life. All this for an elective surgery. And it IS “elective,” a CHOICE. There are no gaping fissures, no sucking chest wounds involved, no burst appendix that needs immediate attending to. Choice.

You have to choose this surgery. That new life. Conceivably someone could come in surreptiously specifically for the surgery and, once in and on their way into the “process”, between counselling, therapies, recuperative time, etc., they might never spend a day of a four-year enlistment doing anything, ANYTHING they trained for, or in support of their unit. They certainly wouldn’t be deployable. And after that gift of $130,000+ surgery, all expense paid transition, for which they basically contributed nothing to the collective, they go out the door to the civilian world with lifetime medical from the VA paying for all their hormones and consequent related medical needs. Why? Because they had the surgery while on active duty.

Someone on another thread said “but it’s only tiny percentage of DoD budget” which worked out to however many tens of millions. I remember having to count actual gallons of fuel going into tactical aircraft at the end of the fiscal year because we ran out of MONEY. Those umpteefrats millions MATTER, believe me. When you have Congress talking about pulling one BAH from MARRIED active duty couples because MONEY, those “penny in the budget” millions MATTER. And I’m sorry. Your “elective” life choice shouldn’t impact readiness or another service person’s life in any negative fashion at all. God knows it’s hard enough now.

Of course there are the few exceptional individuals who can do it. Who aren’t the drag: like someday there will be a female who makes it through the REAL Combat Officer’s Course (not a standards lowered one). But that doesn’t speak to the larger entity, to the collective that HAS to be maintained. And that one-off changes nothing, truthfully. It can’t. You have to carry your load most all the time. And not make anyone else’s heavier because you are needy (You also have to be prepared for unvarnished truth from your fellows if you do slack, and people want their feelings protected these days, deserved or otherwise). Don’t quote SEALs at me who are now “female” and squawk at the president, when she was a HE when all the heroics went down and would never BE a SEAL were she a “she” originally. It’s now just his opinion. He’s no moral authority as a transgender because he did none of it AS a she. Glad you were on the Bin Laden raid, dude. Did you do it in drag and on hormones? No? Then STFU.

My sweet little brother couldn’t join the military because of diabetes, the other because of vertebrae crunching. I feel for them because those things are BEYOND their control and, yet, they are disqualifiers. IT’S NOT FAIR, right? Why should something that is one’s totally elective, entirely individual choice be any less disqualifying, when it is so patently a disruptive, counterproductive, expense-luxury-we-can’t-afford choice in regards to the military?

“Fair” is in the eye of the beholder and has never had anything to do with military service. That’s why it works.

Every day, something happens to right this great ship of ours.

I am beyond delighted and relieved this was done so swiftly.

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