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South Africa’s Racist Ramaphosa About to FO What FA Buys You – HotAir

Something remarkable is happening.

In all the brouhaha over DEI, Elon’s kiddies in the Treasury, trade wars with Canada and the Mexicans, and us owning a Canal again – just to name a few – there’s been a 180° reversal in how the American government deals with Africa, specifically South Africa, as it descends onto a course of complete and intentional racial genocide. 

It is a fully international plan to eradicate productive ‘whites’ from land and business ownership – forfeiting their lives if convenient to the effort – within the country and has been the goal for decades.

The white farmers of the country, isolated and vulnerable as they are, have been at the foremost of determined and terroristic efforts. Roving bands of thugs, often even their own hired help, will savagely and brutally attack farms in an effort to drive off the landowners.

…In 2023, 45 white farmers were murdered in South Africa, making the murder rate a staggering 150 per 100k, with only 30,000 commercial farmers remaining.  

This rate exceeds the US army’s death rate of 120 per 100k during the peak of the Afghanistan-Iraq war in 2009. 

The attacks are often racially motivated, with reports of infants being drowned and elderly women tortured.  

Politicians such as the EFF’s Julius Malema and ex-president Jacob Zuma have openly called for the killing white farmers. 

A memorial has been created for these farmers, the Witskruis Monument, a moving site built on a hill in which every white cross represents a murdered farmer.  

Over the past 20 years, over 2,000 farmers have been killed. 

Living on an SA farm is now living in a fortress with only you and your family to count on. Farming itself is an act of courage because the fields and pastures are open to attack from any angle, at any time, and destruction and vandalism when a farmer is not there to watch over his property.

They are also suffering from ever more constriction at the hands of the racist South African government. Where they can sell, what they can sell. Squeezing markets and profits and forcing subservience to rule by skin color by mandating racial ownership quotas to enable access to markets.

The South African government has quietly issued new rules stipulating farms with an annual turnover of more than 10 million rand (about £436,000) will not be permitted to export to the UK or EU if they are too white. The restrictions, published at the beginning of November, specify that farms which are less than 51% black-owned must undergo a convoluted black economic empowerment (BEE) certification process, with an accredited BEE certifier, in order to qualify for an export permit.

Access to water is determined by racial group, with white farmers at the bottom of the priority list. 

At the end of January, the Ramaphosa government finally stripped away any last hope or pretense of a free society and signed a property expropriation bill into law.

…Ramaphosa, on the other hand, has a legislative mandate to expropriate private property ‘for public purposes’ as the state or local government sees fit.

It’s a pretty open, loosey-goosey definition of what qualifies as up for grabs. Sounds like most anything that catches their eye.

President Cyril Ramaphosa has signed into law the Expropriation Bill which repeals the pre-democratic Expropriation Act of 1975 and sets out how organs of State may expropriate land in the public interest for varied reasons.

The Bill, which has undergone a five-year process of public consultation and parliamentary deliberation, aligns legislation on expropriation with the Constitution.

Section 25 of the Constitution recognises expropriation as an essential mechanism for the state to acquire someone’s property for a public purpose or in the public interest, subject to just and equitable compensation being paid.

…The Bill assented to by President Ramaphosa outlines how expropriation can be done and on what basis. This law will assist all organs of State – local, provincial and national authorities – to expropriate land in the public interest for varied reasons.

Local, provincial and national authorities will use this legislation to expropriate land in the public interest for varied reasons that seek, among others, to promote inclusivity and access to natural resources.

The African National Congress (ANC) and Cyril Ramaphosa are now at the point where they are confident the frog is ready to be cooked, as the water is finally boiling.

None of this made any national network broadcast, for all that they cheered when Mugabe trod the same destructive, genocidal path in Zimbabwe.

It simply runs counter to every fable the liberal establishment has built up over the decades about the ‘promise’ of South Africa after Nelson Mandela walked out of that prison. And it’s damned inconvenient that it’s crashing to earth in the most horrific and bloody fashion.

But who cares, right? It’s white people being slaughtered by Africans, which interests American progressives about as much as black Africans constantly slaughtering black Africans, which is to say not at all.

The difference between the last administration and this one?

Someone noticed long ago (2018) and has spoken out now that he is back in the White House and things have taken a ghastly turn for the barbaric worst.

Trump is cutting the money off.

It’s a lot of money that the US sends SA, funneled through USAID and other sources. I still haven’t seen anything about it in the general news.

Ramaphoasa has angrily fired back at Trump but if he was hoping to alleviate and destroy comparisons to what the reviled Mugabe did while destroying Zimbabwe, well…

…he failed utterly.

Maybe more people will see what they’ve been doing now that they’re screaming about the money.

Well done, President Trump.

Time for a different frog to jump from the heat.

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