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TCW’s rape gangs dossier 2014-2025, Part 34

This article contains graphic descriptions of a sort that we would not normally publish but which, in this case, are in the public interest to do so.

THERE IS a simple reason that the UK’s grooming gangs scandal is so difficult for liberally minded people to wrap their minds around, and that reason is that the scandal is exactly what ‘the far right’ says it is: Mass, religiously and racially aggravated, rape of thousands of young white working class British girls by Muslim men from mostly Pakistani immigrant backgrounds, on an industrial and organised scale.

Every racially aggravating factor you could imagine is present. First, there is substantial evidence that the young girls in question were targeted because they were white. In these communities of Pakistani Muslim rapists, hardly any of the victims were Pakistani Muslim women.

Second, the scale of the depravity and violence makes it clear that in many – if not a clear majority – of cases, the abuse was more than just about sex. It was about domination, enslavement, and humiliation. If you doubt me on this point, just read this 2013 sentencing report that did the rounds on X (formerly twitter) in recent days. There’s a quote from it later in this article that sums up the kind of thing you’ll find in there.

Third, there is overwhelming evidence that in many cases the abuse was covered up by the authorities and then downplayed by the media right across Britain because it was more ideologically convenient to ignore the mass rape of children than it was to confront the fact that a substantial section of the British Pakistani community harboured (and indeed still harbours) violently sexist and racist attitudes towards white non-muslim women in particular. The implications of that idea were and are simply too great for the liberal mind to contemplate its admission.

If multiculturalism has a foundational myth, that myth is that all cultures are compatible with each other and that they can always peacefully and harmoniously co-exist in an open and democratic society. The British grooming gangs scandal shatters that myth.

The United Kingdom, like most western democracies, is now a feminist society. Women have equal rights in law, and cultural and sexual politics have shifted dramatically over the past fifty years in favour of women. Pakistan remains a deeply entrenched patriarchal society where religious attitudes towards women, and particularly towards men’s right to access women sexually, dominate.

Throw in multiculturalism and tolerance and ‘community cohesion’ as major values, and then mix in hard-line Muslim attitudes towards ‘kuffar’ women and women who show more of their flesh than a burkha permits, and the UK gets the mass rape of young white girls by Pakistani Muslim men who believe themselves to have both a cultural and a religious right to use those girls as they see fit.

When liberally minded people critique the Catholic church, they often cite the imprisonment in 1633 by Pope Urban VIII of Galileo Galilei, as a result of the latter’s insistence that the earth is round and revolves around the Sun. When that story is recounted, it is presented as a morality tale about how the Roman Catholic Church is anti-science and anti-progress. But it is a human story at heart: Galileo presented evidence that shattered more than a millennium of religious certainty. Faced with evidence, Urban could either publicly accept that a thousand years of teaching had been wrong – risking people asking what else was wrong – or he could preserve the authority of the Church and silence the heretic. He chose to silence the heretic.

The problem, if that analogy wasn’t clear enough for you, is that the UK’s grooming scandal shatters decades of liberal teaching about multiculturalism and might be expected to force people to admit that they might have been wrong. Given the choice between having that discussion on the one hand and writing off all those who raise it as heretics who need silencing on the other, modern British liberals have chosen the path of Urban.

Thus, Tommy Robinson is a household name in Britain (and indeed Ireland) for his alleged ‘islamophobia’ while most of us have never heard the name of the man who branded his initials onto a 13-year-old girl, using red hot metal, on the sensitive skin next to her anal passage.

His name is Mohammed Karrar. Here is some more of what he did to that child, in the words of the judge who sentenced him:

You, Mohammed Karrar, prepared her for gang anal rape by using a pump to expand her anal passage. You subjected her to a gang rape by five or six men (count 30). At one point she had four men inside her. A red ball was placed in her mouth to keep her quiet. Not only were you both involved in the commercial sexual exploitation of GH, you also used her for your own self-gratification. You both raped her when she was under 13. When she was very young, although it is not clear whether she was under 13, you both raped her at the same time (oral and vaginal/anal). It happened on more than one occasion.’

Of course, the grooming scandal (which should really be called what it is – a mass rape scandal) is not the only evidence that the UK has an enormous multiculturalism problem linked primarily to the Islamic religion. A 2017 investigation by the Guardian revealed that the UK has between 30 and 90 ‘sharia councils’ in operation, which perform the essential functions of courts, granting divorces, regulating marital disputes, and operating as a parallel legal system. The Guardian is a liberal newspaper, but even it had to report that: ‘In December, the Casey Review by Dame Louise Casey into integration included claims that sharia councils “supported the values of extremists, condoned wife-beating, ignored marital rape and allowed forced marriages”.’

This is not, to be clear, a British problem. It is a Pakistani cultural and Muslim religious problem that is taking place in the United Kingdom.

What’s more, the whole scandal underlines a fact that sends shivers down liberal spines: that elements of Pakistani culture and the Islamic faith pose a real and existential threat to women living in liberal democratic societies. If the state wishes to prevent threats to women (as the liberal state insists it does) and Pakistani culture and elements of the Islamic faith are threats to women, suddenly the conversations become – of necessity – very uncomfortable. Which is why liberal Britain is so desperate to avoid having them.

For this cowardice liberalism in Britain and the wider west deserves nothing but contempt, scorn, and condemnation. A generation of ‘progressive’ political leaders of both parties in Britain from the 1970s onwards have consistently prioritised ‘community relations’ over the safety of their own little girls. Young women were allowed to be treated like human filth, while the entire apparatus of the state looked the other way lest it be accused of racism. All the while, towns like Rotherham and Oldham have been permitted to be turned into bastardised versions of Multan, Pakistan.

I will leave you with this story, from 2017. It took place in the aforementioned Multan.

A young girl was raped by a boy from her village. The victim had a brother. The perpetrator had a sister. The victim’s brother was summoned before the village council and told that justice had been arranged: To avenge the rape of his sister, he would be presented with the rapist’s younger sister – a 16 year old girl – and told to rape her in turn.

This is the culture that Britain has imported. It is the culture that dominates vast swathes of Northern England. The state, and progressives, having admitted it to their country, have a duty to quash it entirely. Racism and community sensitivity be damned.

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