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Ten ways to show you’re an educated idiot

LIKE many others, I was asleep to much of the deception in official narratives before the covid debacle. Truth is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. As the great philosopher of science Karl Popper stated, we cannot know anything for certain. We can disprove but never prove. However, there are rules and methods of scientific inquiry, with conclusions based on evidence rather than preconceived notions. As Popper explained, we strive for the best knowledge we can get, albeit provisional. 

Despite half of school-leavers going to university, society appears to have abandoned critical thinking in favour of ideological doctrines. Counter-intuitively, illogical beliefs are most prevalent in the educated classes. This is due to indoctrination in universities and professional careers, where expressing approved ideas is rewarded, and because intelligent people are more able to argue an apparently contradictory stance or idealistic version of reality.  

Here are ten typical statements that demonstrate such faulty thinking. 

I had covid, and it was awful – but it would have been much worse if I hadn’t taken the vaccine

Justification, as this assertion shows, needs no logic if the purpose is to express values. Also inserted in public discourse was the idea that one person’s vaccination would work only if everyone else were vaccinated too. Alongside such blind faith in a medical intervention that clearly didn’t work was vitriol for sceptics of the mass vaccination programme. ‘Anti-vaxxers’, a slur propagated by the authorities to ensure that no questions could be asked, was associated with ignorance. But vaccine enthusiasts, often believing themselves more sophisticated, were fooled by a preposterous ‘miracle of science’.  

Our NHS is not for sale

As the mass vaccination programme showed, vast amounts of NHS funding goes to corporate profits. The idealistic graduate class is naïve to the reality that the goal of treatments (e.g. antidepressants) is not a cure but a captive market. GPs are handsomely rewarded for prescribing high-margin drugs or operating their surgery as a vaccination centre while limiting face-to-face consultations. Meanwhile NHS employment is an immigration racket that gives jobs to foreigners instead of Britons. Locum doctors, with no ties to the community or culture, are paid more for one day than many readers earn in a month. The NHS sells your personal data to private companies. And the statist rhetoric of progressive affluence is often at odds with the use of private hospitals to jump the queue. What’s not for sale?  

Farmers should pay their taxes, like everyone else must

The inheritance tax imposed by the Starmer tyranny is a deliberate means of forcing farmers off their land, but Guardian readers can  see only rich men in tweed jackets lording over the land and not paying towards the cherished NHS. It’s not the farmers’ fault that the value of their estate has multiplied – this is due to relentless demand for housing caused by mass immigration and ‘white flight’ from alienating cities. Bien pensants don’t respect the generational continuity of farming as a labour of love. Perhaps Chairman Mao was right to send the intelligentsia to the fields for re-education. 

Climate change is really happening – look at the weather

Heavy rainfall with flooding, a storm that fells a few trees, or a rare heatwave – all are taken as evidence of man-made climate change. Thus we need Net Zero to save the planet. But it’s the educated professional class that flies off on holiday, drives the heaviest cars and heats the largest homes. Have they any observable evidence of a climate emergency, in rising temperatures or sea level? Do they really think that carbon dioxide is a pollutant rather than plant food? You never know, with educated idiocy.  

Russia is our enemy

Straight out of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, this one. For all we know, Vladimir Putin may be playing his part in the geopolitical theatre. But the invasion of Ukraine was not unprovoked, as politicians want people to believe. This war really began with a US-led coup d’êtat and persecution of ethnic Russians in the Donbas. After years of warning that Donald Trump would start World War Three, now the progressive Left is on a militaristic momentum. Millions might die in a futile fight between Christian brethren. Modern ‘Western values’ indeed. 

Refugees are welcome here

While the government spends billions on defending a distant nation, it does nothing to protect our land from illegal invaders. A badly timed article by Owen Jones in the Guardian this week boasted of a youthful left-wing resistance to the AfD party in Germany, on the same day of another incident of a car being driven into a crowd, killing two people. The only details released about the man arrested at the scene in Mannheim are that he is ‘a German citizen’. However, through citizenship reforms by the outgoing Scholz government, an expedited naturalisation process allows foreigners to retain dual nationality with their homeland (and the authorities are always keen to hide the ethnicity of terrorists). Car-ramming attacks demonstrate time and again that open border policy is a mortal danger. But for the graduate class, multiculturalism is virtue-signalling dogma, and the occasional stabbing of schoolgirls is a small price to pay. Incomers, wherever they’re from and however they arrive, have a right to be here. They risked their lives coming from a war zone, we are told – although they passed that paragon of tolerance, the EU. 

Diversity is strength

Identity politics is the vehicle of Woke ideology. The more that minorities are empowered, the weaker the majority. Don’t expect the metropolitan elite to worry that the population will be over 50 per cent Muslim later this century, because David Goodhart’s ‘Anywheres’ don’t care about the country; they have nice houses and can easily move if they choose. The appeal of diversity for the progressive Left is in overturning traditional society. The absurdity of blaming white men for all problems is understandable only for the advantage of white middle-class women’s careers. Otherwise it’s nothing but cultural vandalism. 

Trans women are women

A biology refresher may be necessary here. One of Donald Trump’s many executive orders on his first day in office stated: ‘Men and women are equal but have obvious differences. If federal policies promote such an obvious falsehood that men can become women, the government will forfeit all credibility.’

Enough said. 

You can have free speech but not hate speech  

Not only illogical, ‘free speech but . . . ’ displays the dishonesty of the snob stratum. It really means that any opinion that challenges the status quo is a problem justifying disciplinary action in the workplace, discrediting as ‘misinformation’ or allegations of hate crime. Progressivists fail to see that the tightening censorship regime is not to make a more harmonious society, but to prevent speaking truth to power. 

To defend democracy, ban the far right   

The German government seriously planned to outlaw the AfD on this pretence. Election rigging is an important tool for the globalists, as in the US election in 2020 (unless you believe that Sleepy Joe got 81million votes). Blaming Russian interference is a related theme, and the recent Romanian election result was annulled because the right-wing victor was supported in TikTok videos allegedly presenting Kremlin disinformation. However, the term ‘far right’ appears to include any conservative or  patriotic viewpoints. Thus events held by the Reform Party, which currently leads the UK opinion polls, are attacked by shrill ‘anti-fascists’. This is what liberalism has become: authoritarian disenfranchisement. The metropolitan elite still has not recovered from Brexit, and such shocks mustn’t be allowed to happen again. 

We are witnessing the complete corruption of enlightenment values. The ideological positions of the professional-managerial rungs of society may seem self-serving, but are actually to the benefit of the übermenschen. Conformity culture is pervasive because the powers-that-be have gradually nurtured a compliant populace, policed by useful idiots. 

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