Image Credit: TN General Assembly & Canva
The Tennessee Conservative [By Paula Gomes] –
A Tennessee state Representative is proposing that the state constitution be amended to protect the freedom of parents to homeschool their children.
Representative Jody Barrett (R-Dickson-District 69) is sponsoring House Joint Resolution 0092 (HJR0092) which states that a parent has “the inherent and fundamental right to direct the upbringing of the parent’s child, including, but not limited to, the right to direct the education of the parent’s child.”
According to the text of the resolution, amending the state’s constitution in this manner would ensure that state government, including political subdivisions, can not interfere with decisions made by parents in how they choose to homeschool, and no regulatory requirements could be made regarding homeschooling.
Furthermore, if adopted, the freedom to homeschool as each parent sees fit would not be compromised in any way “by the acceptance of any publicly funded education scholarship, grant, stipend, or voucher provided by the State or any political subdivision thereof.”
When Governor Bill Lee’s voucher plan began to be debated in earnest last legislative session, organizations that represent the homeschooling community in Tennessee were adamant that they did not want to be included in any kind of voucher or scholarship program.
Homeschool communities in other states that have accepted state money have seen government regulations encroach on their homeschooling freedoms, something that Tennessee homeschoolers wish to avoid.
By amending the state constitution, Barrett says that homeschool families would be able to participate in voucher programs in the future without fear of losing their autonomy. Homeschooling families were excluded from Lee’s legislation which passed during the special session earlier this month.
Gary Humble of Tennessee Stands says that the constitutional amendment would repeal all current statutory regulations regarding homeschooling as it now exists in the state and called it “a no-nonsense, no-brainer for the homeschool community at large.”
Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) also supports the resolution.
HSLDA has also announced support for legislation filed this session that was crafted by Tennessee Homeschool advocacy group, Free YOUR Children.
The “Family Right to Educational Emancipation Act” or the “FREE Act” is being sponsored by Senator Janice Bowling (R-Tullahoma-District 16) and Representative Todd Warner (R-Chapel Hill-District 92) in their respective chambers.
HB0552/SB0494 would not repeal any current laws or regulations regarding home education, but would instead create a new independent category “not subject to the data collection, reporting, or assessment requirements applicable to existing independent home school programs” while also exempting students and parents from compulsory school attendance requirements.

About the Author: Paula Gomes is a Tennessee resident and reporter for The Tennessee Conservative. You can reach Paula at