In a competition, a leaderboard is:
A board showing the ranking of leaders
Next to watching paint dry, watching the ins and outs of government unfold is a close second. That’s precisely how the deep state likes it: deep, murky, and inscrutable. Of course, that’s the opposite of what anyone observing should want. For about twenty years, I was the President of a Florida Tax Watch Group (full disclosure—I am still a board member). I learned from that experience that governments at all levels play lip service to the public’s right to know. Superficial figures and facts are okay; anything much deeper we requested was frequently met with a derisive attitude and the all too frequent “that information does not exist.” And if you think government is murky, that goes double for anything education-related. I think at least ten percent of people employed in academic administration exist to complexify or withhold vital information, such as whether Johnny can read. All this occurred in Florida, which has one of the country’s most public-friendly Open Records Acts. I can only imagine how much more difficult it is to understand the machinations of government in other states.
Trump’s Battle for Rationalizing Government:-
This brings me to the subject of this article and how Trump can continue his momentum against those who will fight against rationalizing government and bringing it to heal. Democrats are already talking about creating a shadow cabinet for precisely this reason. We need to beat them at their own game by publicizing the waste, fraud, inefficiency, cronyism, and corruption uncovered in a very public and quasi-humorous manner. Create a leaderboard accessible through the internet and particularly social media that chronicles the savings and other metrics that Trump’s warriors uncover, which prove to the public that the federal government has been running a more crooked operation than Al Capone ever thought of.
If Republicans want to gain and not lose seats in 2026, then they must do three things:
- Maintain a sense of righteous outrage that waste, fraud, and corruption are deeply embedded, non-partisan, and wasteful in the extreme.
- Deliver massive reductions in spending by ‘outing’ specific spending and staffing inefficiencies, redundant or even unneeded agencies, and keep a running account of the impact achieved.
- Keep it relatable to the average person.Most people roll their eyes when they hear these big numbers and extravagant spending as something abstract. Help people understand that there is a direct line between waste, fraud, and corruption and their ability to live a life unfettered by the demands of a government that sees your money as theirs!
The leaderboard idea has another positive attribute; it communicates to both sides through a preponderance of messaging, supported by the underlying stories and facts that the government has not been the good actor too many assume it to be. Rule number one—the government exists to survive and grows at our expense. Governments at all levels believe it is sentient, with a survival instinct weighing in favor of growing itself and surviving, no matter what.
Increases in federal spending have outpaced inflation for decades. In 2024, Growth in spending is up 21% since the pandemic.
I believe in a growing pie version of America and not the static model that Democrats so often use when they scare their constituents into believing that only government will ensure they get their fair share. The government knows the pie is constantly growing; all it needs to do is look at tax receipts to demonstrate that truth. However, in an almost one-for-you and two-for-me manner, our government grows faster than nearly any other element of our society. Nothing will change that except for someone like President Trump, who has a profound and healthy disrespect of bureaucracy, understanding that every dollar spent on government is a dollar less you have to pay your bills, educate your children, or take that well-earned vacation. Your freedom is usurped by a cadre of government functionaries who insist on being involved in every aspect of your life based on the assumption they know best.
From Unity to Division: The Gradual Transformation of America’s Society:-
Finally, it is essential to recognize that America did not change into the fractured, woke society that it became overnight. Therefore, bringing about change that will save us from the fate of many failed societies won’t happen overnight either. Trump has four short years to undo forty years of progressive damage to our country. I believe what was done to us in forty years will take at least twelve to undo. Americans are not the most patient of people. We have been trained to expect things delivered on a platter on demand, much like our social media influencers endlessly imply. Life is, unfortunately, not like that. How do we bridge our expectations with the reality of what is possible?
It is essential to support the leaderboard idea with other actions. I am not a fan of Franklin Roosevelt. However, there are more than a few parallels to how FDR amassed power from the people and used it to change government and Trump. Roosevelt had a political machine behind him, as does Trump. (We’ll soon see how loyal Republicans stay to Trump) In Roosevelt’s case, the country was in turmoil as it is today. What set Roosevelt apart from other presidents was his ability to speak directly and impactfully to a fearful America under tremendous stress in bad times. Trump must regularly and enthusiastically engage our citizens in dialogue that is one part citizenship, two parts theater, and 100% America First, even as we go about the necessary reordering of a world that witnessed great weakness in America for the first time. One of Trump’s favorite lines goes, “We’re Gonna Win so Much, You May Get Tired of Winning!” Sure, hyperbole, but coupled with actual success, you will see a phoenix rise from the ashes and take its place at the head of the world order once again while giving its citizens back their self-respect and, more importantly, their freedom from a tyrannical government.
God bless America.
Allan J. Feifer—Patriot
Author, Businessman, Thinker, and Strategist. Read more about Allan, his background, and his ideas to create a better tomorrow at