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USAID Checkbook Snaps Shut, Politico Paychecks Shut Down? – HotAir

For pure, unadulterated, old-fashioned entertainment, it is an indisputable truth that:

There ain’t nuthin’ like a DOGE!

NUTHIN’ in this world.

There is nuthin’ even close,

That is ANYTHING like a DOGE!

(Apologies to Rogers and Hammerstein)

For flat-out comedy value, the meltdown DOGE is causing is a tantrum for the ages.

You have to listen to this Greek chorus of assembled Democratic carrion crows as they squawk.

It’s amazing.

And then there are the constant revelations coming from the DOGE’s team of different experts, who haven’t even really begun to dog INTO things. This is all crap the fools who thought they’d be there forever by virtue of habit didn’t have time or cleverness to chew up and swallow.

Also, because there was simply too much of it to hide.

It has made so many people angry, particularly when something known as USAID was targeted by Elon’s crack team of young cyber forensic geniuses.

Gracious, didn’t the lid blow off?

To the point where professors were calling for bounties on the young sleuths’ heads and members of Congress are literally declaring they are ‘at war.’

Of course, the media is fanning all these flames of distrust and unrest, which seems sort of weird. Aren’t they supposed to be the big fans of transparency and rooting out waste?

Nevertheless, big-time media operators like Politico are going after the Trump administration and Elon’s team in particular, using not-so-subtle language in an attempt to paint the clean-up crew as foreign adversaries.

Elon Musk’s campaign to cut Washington’s bureaucracy is aiming at a very specific, very sensitive digital power center: the federal IT infrastructure.

Musk and his allies have gained access to the Treasury Department’s payments systems, and they’ve commandeered enough control at the Office of Personnel Management to send a mass email offering federal employees early buyouts. Unnamed federal officials told The Washington Post today that they’re now concerned about DOGE access to student loan data.

The overall effect has been to turn once banal-seeming federal IT systems into an ideologically driven bulldozer for removing programs deemed — by, apparently, Musk — as either unnecessary or excessively “woke.”

Musk’s approach is revealing just how much the day-to-day operation of government has come to depend on technological systems that can, in theory, be turned on and off with the flick of a switch. He’s also exploring the limits of how much power a lone official can wield if he has White House approval to take them over.

Okay. Perhaps I should rephrase – big-time media operator Politico WAS going after Elon and DOGE.


Pretty awkward what happened yesterday, and you can decide if it was coincidence or karma.

An email went around to every Politico employee that there’d been a glitch in the system – the payroll system to be exact.

None of them were getting paid.

Yikes, right?

Glitches happen, though, so no bigs?

How odd it happened right after all the USAID funds were frozen, though. Surely that had no bea…OH.


The USA Spending link is right here for $8.1M last year alone.

There’s money – more taxpayer money – that has been flowing into Politico’s coffers than that.

Well, now, okay, wait a minute.

I want to be fair. So the subscriptions to Politico Pro were pricey – I know, I looked into one and about choked. Schmaybe State and those other government types needed access to info they felt we schlubs didn’t have? 

Schmabye…I don’t know. I’m sure it’s nothing like censoring Twitter or any of that. All above boa…OH


Now hang on a gol darned second. I know Marc Caputo – he’s a standup guy in my book, flaming lib that he is – and I was shocked when this story broke a couple of weeks ago, but NOT surprised he’d be brave enough to speak up.

Well. The fact that they were being paid by the Biden administration certainly puts a different spin on why they muzzled him and  fellow reporter Tara Palmieri, doesn’t it?

I asked earlier if it was ‘coincidence or karma’?


…No employee at Politico got paid yesterday. 

First time ever the company missed a pay period. 

This is a crisis. Now we learn Politico — a “news company” — which spent the last 10 years trying to destroy the MAGA Movement was being massively funded by USAID. Trump & Elon deleted their funding. 

Now Politico will go out of business.  

The corruption is endless. 

Good riddance

It’s karma for the win, baby.

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