Yes, I feel like I’ve been banging away on the United Kingdom forever and day now.
I almost wish the fledgling fascists of Labour would give me a bit of a break, and then, just when I think I’m going to get one – BOOM.
They do something so appallingly awful, something so anti-British that I have to mock and expose them yet again for the disgusting quislings they are.
Ebola* had already been on a tear yesterday, sending me the latest extortion note from the British government to arrive at his cottage hideaway in the Cotswolds. He’s already paid off the £200 TV license fee demand that had hit his mailbox. The roaming squads of TV license enforcement police had noticed the landlord’s ancient and broken Direct TV satellite dish leaning off his roof. They determined the lad must be pulling expensive airwaves out of the ether he hadn’t paid the government for the privilege of doing so.
The letter arrives, pay the fee, or the knock comes at the door to inspect your house to ensure you have no way to watch TV or anything that arrives via electrons.
Fee paid.
Yesterday’s was a nice note informing him his water bill was going up £16 ($20.32 US)…a month! I was like, ‘a month?!’
People around here lose their minds over two and a half bucks, and that’s only because we’re under a federal order to get those colonial pipes changed, or the feds do it for us.
This has something to do with a Thames water company scandal and a £3B bailout.
I didn’t hear from him again for a couple of hours, and then he popped a link in the DMs with a note that said:
Couldn’t find someone less important to your national history to remove?
They would have had to look far and wide to try.
Paintings of Lord Nelson have been taken down under plans to make Parliament’s artworks more diverse, The Telegraph can reveal.
The move followed an MP-led review of parliamentary art linked to slavery and racism.
Two images of the British naval hero have been taken down since the Black Lives Matter-inspired review began in 2020, including one depicting the commander dying for his country at the Battle of Trafalgar.
A portrait of Sir Francis Drake, another naval commander, has also been removed.
Nelson? The young naval hero of countless legendary campaigns who perished during the Battle of Trafalgar and whose body was lovingly returned to England stuffed in a cask of brandy?
…At a quarter-past one in the afternoon,[168] Hardy realised that Nelson was not by his side. He turned to see Nelson kneeling on the deck, supporting himself with his hand, before falling onto his side. Hardy rushed to him, at which point, Nelson smiled:
Hardy, I do believe they have done it at last […] my backbone is shot through.[248]
He had been hit by a musket ball, fired from the mizzen-top of Redoutable, at a range of 50 feet (15 m). The ball entered his left shoulder, passed through a lung,[168] then his spine at the sixth and seventh thoracic vertebrae, and lodged 2 inches (51 mm) below his right shoulder blade, in the muscles of his back. In return, signal midshipman John Pollard, possibly together with fellow midshipman Francis Edward Collingwood, is said to have shot down the French marksman responsible for Nelson’s death.[249][250]
……By now very weak, Nelson continued to murmur instructions to Burke and Scott, “fan, fan […] rub, rub […] drink, drink.” Beatty had heard Nelson murmur, “Thank God I have done my duty”, and when he returned, Nelson’s voice had faded and his pulse was very weak.[253] Nelson looked up, as Beatty took his pulse, then closed his eyes. Scott, who remained by Nelson as he died, recorded his last words as, “God and my country”.[254] Nelson died at half-past four in the afternoon, three hours after he had been shot.[253] He was 47 years old.
…Nelson’s body was placed in a cask of brandy mixed with camphor and myrrh, which was then lashed to the Victory‘s mainmast and placed under guard.[255] This was a controversial decision, with the public later believing it would have been better for him to have been put in rum instead to better preserve him.[256] Victory was towed to Gibraltar after the battle, and, on arrival, the body was transferred to a lead-lined coffin filled with spirits of wine and his effects, uniforms and papers sent separately…
Why, the very same.
Yanked off the Parliament wall, not once, but twice – even his death scene on the deck of HMS Victory at Trafalgar.
It’s stunning.
Now, I can’t blame Labour for thinking of it. This all started with the Tories bending a knee to Black Lives Matter in 2020, allowing a wholesale review of all of British history using modern standards.
Horatio Nelson towers over the pantheon of British heroes, and even his nemesis Napoleon kept a bust of the admiral in admiration – but such a statue would now be suspect.
Lord Nelson’s “heroic status” will be reviewed by the National Maritime Museum as part of efforts to challenge Britain’s “barbaric history of race and colonialism”, The Telegraph can reveal.
The admiral’s legacy is enshrined at the museum in Greenwich, which holds personal effects ranging from love letters to the coat Nelson wore when he was fatally shot during the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.
Internal documents seen by The Telegraph reveal that the museum will capitalise on the “momentum built up by the Black Lives Matter movement” to make changes at the repository of naval treasures and address “aspects of slavery relating to the Royal Navy”.
But Labour’s the party doing the actual yanking of portraits of British legends from Parliament walls.
Sir Francis Drake, the famous explorer, had his portrait come off…
…Nelson was criticised by Black Lives Matter activists for alleged personal support of slavery, while Drake was targeted for his youthful involvement in the slave trade.
…as did portraits of Oliver Cromwell, former Prime Ministers and, for some reason, a well-regarded early abolitionist.
…Four portraits of Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell have been taken down since 2020. The staunch Parliamentarian was named as a supporter of the slave trade in the MP-led review.
Images of William Pitt the Elder and George Canning, both former prime ministers, have been taken down, along with a print depicting the abolitionist William Wilberforce.
The abolitionist William Wilberforce has also been cancelled in this purge of racists and slavers.
Not sure what his alleged crime is – probably being a white man and also campaigning for abolition too slowly. That’s why they cancelled Henry Dundas.
— Wanjiru Njoya (@WanjiruNjoya) February 26, 2025
The whole progressive rewriting history thing – or at least erasing it first – is getting a little out of hand.
In other British news, a Telegraph UK columnist has filed a lawsuit against the government because she wound up being a recipient of a Starmtrooper’s knock at her door for Xweet.
Telegraph journalist Allison Pearson has announced legal action against Essex Police after being placed under criminal investigation for criticising the policing of…
— Western Intel (@TheWesternIntel) February 26, 2025
…Telegraph journalist Allison Pearson has announced legal action against Essex Police after being placed under criminal investigation for criticising the policing of Pro-Palestine marches.
Police showed up at Pearson’s home on Remembrance Sunday, launching an investigation over a tweet – sparking outrage over free speech suppression.
Pearson slams the probe as “shocking and utterly wrong”, exposing the dangerous trend of policing opinions instead of crime.
Her case reignites debate over Labour’s expansion of Orwellian Non-Crime Hate Incidents (NCHIs), which allow police to log people’s lawful speech.
Since when did expressing an opinion warrant a police visit? Will free speech survive under Labour?
Ms Pearson is not taking this intimidation attempt lying down or what’s being done to fellow Englishmen who experience the same thuggish visits and treatment some sixty-five times a day!
Britain is a police state.
…The Crown Prosecution Service quickly confirmed there was “no case” against Pearson under the Public Order Act.
Pearson’s single tweet had criticised what she called “two-tier policing” of Pro-Palestine marches.
She described experiencing “suicidal thoughts” during the period when her name appeared in headlines alongside words like “racist” and “hatred”.
Despite knowing she had “done nothing wrong”, Pearson said “the rising tide of dread takes its toll” on those subjected to such investigations.
The College of Policing has suggested renaming non-crime hate incidents (NCHIs) in response to public “confusion” partly triggered by Pearson’s case.
Pearson called this “Orwell Squared” – a “sinister sanction on free speech” simply rebranded with a different name.
The Free Speech Union estimates 65 NCHIs are recorded by police every day across Britain.
Pearson argues the public isn’t confused about NCHIs but “appalled they exist at all” – questioning why records of subjective “hostility” that fall short of crimes can still appear on background checks.
Behold there are many brave women today that stand up to the tyranny of the Far Left. Allison Pearson is one such woman. The police have been highjacked as were their counterparts in Vichy France. They are now agents of our Marxist Critical Elites
— “SimpleSimonSays” (@SWAM10056) February 25, 2025
How does this tie into portraits in Parliament?
In the interest of diversity, the portrait that went up in Lord Nelson’s stead – the cherished hero who saved England so long ago?
Is the (very kind to her) likeness of the vile Yvette Cooper, the Labour Home Secretary.
The portrait of one of Britains most remarkable hero’s Admiral Lord Nelson has been removed from the Palace of Westminster and in its place….. I kid you not a monstrous egotistical portrait of Home Secretary Yvette Cooper.
— Benonwine (@benonwine) February 26, 2025
The same Yvette Cooper who is directly responsible for these Starmtroopers appearing on British citizens’ door stoops, demanding answers about Xweets and Facebook posts the government doesn’t appreciate.
The Home Secretary is planning to expand the recording of non-crime hate incidents despite the backlash over the threat to free speech. The Telegraph has the story.
Yvette Cooper is committed to reversing the Tories’ decision to downgrade the monitoring of the incidents, specifically in relation to anti-Semitism and Islamophobia, so they can be logged by police.
Labour believes the current guidance to forces prevents officers from tracking tensions involving Jewish and Muslim communities that could escalate into violence and criminality.
She’s an anti-freedom fascist.
But what a lovely picture up on the wall now.
“In bourgeois society, the past dominates the present; in Communist society, the present dominates the past.” Marx (not Groucho)
They even gave her a halo.#ErasingHistory
— mumzie (@spine1692) February 26, 2025
Mao always looked good in his posters, and Che was a hunk, right? Monsters tend to spruce themselves up for the camera.
I told Ebola I wasn’t taking down the shower curtain in little our spare bathroom, I don’t care what the lunatics say.
HMS Victory at Trafalgar
They’re all mad as snakes.
Congratulations, Labour. You are so lucky you’re on an island.
*Our son was one of the very first computer and gaming savants in the early 90s, winning tournaments and designing “skins” for games not long after Al Gore invented the innerwebs. Unfortunately, he also had a knack for catching the first viruses. One was so virulent that it wiped his computer and all of my work and required one of his father’s computer geeks to come from base with a DoD program to finally exterminate it. His uncle Bingley nicknamed him “Ebola,” and it has been his nom-de-innerwebs ever since.