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Farewell, electric vehicles. It’s been a blast

As private sales of electric vehicles plummet and the Tesla share price continues to slide, the future looks bleak for this type of transport.

EV: In Memoriam 

IT IS with only the slightest tinge of sadness that I have to report the death of the electric vehicle.

EV, as it was known to its few friends, began life shortly before the beginning of the last century. For a number of years it was seen as the future of transport. 

Sadly, early promise soon faded and it fell victim to the far superior technology of the internal combustion engine (ICE). EV fell on hard times and eked out a living delivering milk. In summertime, it suffered the indignity of being regularly assaulted by children at fairgrounds.

EV tried once again to become relevant in the first part of this century but despite massive financial support from the taxpayer it failed in its ambition. For the rest of its pathetic life it survived on welfare.

It has to be said that during its brief revival it did gain some support from a small band of enthusiasts. They were however members of a doomsday cult who believed that the world was about to end and that only by supporting EV could they prevent the melting of the icecaps and the drowning of polar bears.

In reality, EV always promised more than it was possible to deliver. Its lifestyle was never sustainable. It consumed expensive and exotic ingredients. It became overweight and destructive to the environment and was addicted to regular injections of watts. If unable to feed that addiction, EV left associates stranded in dangerous places. It had a tendency to explode and its batteries caught fire.

EV will be mourned by virtue-signalling politicians, the CCP, Elon Musk, the WEF, Liberal Democrats and David Attenborough but nobody else.

EV self-immolated.

No flowers. 

Donations to redundant European car makers.

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