
Covid was a cover for hijacking the US Presidential election

This report is from the US IN 1845, the US Congress established Election Day as the Tuesday after the first Monday of November. The Act sought ‘to establish a uniform time’ for Americans to cast their ballots for president. Historically, voters needed to provide a valid reason – such as illness or military service – […]

The white working class and the new American Civil War

ON THE evening of June 16 1858 at the Republican State Convention in Springfield, Illinois, Abraham Lincoln, having been chosen earlier that day by his fellow Republicans to run for the US Senate against pro-slavery Democrat Stephen A Douglas, delivered what has become known as the ‘House Divided Speech’. Lincoln’s magnificent oration got its name […]

The white working class and the new American Civil War

ON THE evening of June 16 1858 at the Republican State Convention in Springfield, Illinois, Abraham Lincoln, having been chosen earlier that day by his fellow Republicans to run for the US Senate against pro-slavery Democrat Stephen A Douglas, delivered what has become known as the ‘House Divided Speech’. Lincoln’s magnificent oration got its name […]

The slippery slope: Surge in assisted suicides in Oregon

THE latest US government report on assisted suicide in Oregon has revealed that rates have increased by 20 per cent in the last year alone. The official statistics also provide startling new evidence of botched assisted suicides, where instead of ‘dying with dignity’ one patient took a record five days to expire after ingesting a […]

Ukraine warmongers refuse to face reality

WHILE the US publication Foreign Policy accepts Putin’s case on non-Nato Ukraine and concedes that Russia cares more for Ukraine than the West does, there is great dissension within the Western alliance. Nato Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, speaking at Sweden’s membership ceremony, continued the war rhetoric: ‘Surrender is not a peaceful solution. We need to keep making Ukraine […]

Dolan’s Digest: Operation Stop Trump isn’t working

DONALD Trump’s return to the White House can be halted by only one thing – the establishment. One impediment was dramatically lifted yesterday when the US Supreme Court cleared him to run for President. The ruling means he will appear on the ballot in the Colorado primary on ‘Super Tuesday’ today and is expected to […]

Capitol protesters’ jail regime of filth and cruelty

THIS presidential election year promises to be a momentous one. With the possible exception of 2001, which opened the eyes of America and the world to the existential threat posed by politicised Islam,2024 may well be the most decisive year for the United States since World War II. Hyperbole? Maybe. But I argue that 2024 could determine […]

The Tucker Carlson interview: How America turned on its own people, Part Five

WHAT follows is the final and longest segment of Tucker Carlson’s interview with the former US State cyber security expert Mike Benz which we have been reporting on over the last few days. The full-length recorded interview Uncensored: The National Security State & the Inversion of Democracy is here if you haven’t yet seen it. You can read Part 1 of the transcript here , Part […]

The Tucker Carlson interview – how America turned on its own people, Part Four

WE HAVE been running sequential segments of Tucker Carlson’s eye-opening interview with former US State cyber security expert Mike Benz who provides the clearest evidence yet that Americans (and the rest of the West) are being censored and manipulated at the highest levels of government, specifically by the defence establishment’s exploitation of the internet and social media. If you […]

The Tucker Carlson interview: How America turned on its own people, Part Two

ON THURSDAY we recommended readers to watch Tucker Carlson’s latest astonishing interview with the cyber security expert, Mike Benz. You can see Uncensored: The National Security State & the Inversion of Democracy here.  It is an hour-long interview jam-packed with information and analysis (with few pauses for breath in its ten thousand fast-paced words) that few of us were fully aware […]