Tag: Left

Yes, The Left Is Cheering for Iran Now – HotAir

Olivia Reingold of the Free Press has an unsurprising but still disappointing report about the reaction of Left-wing activists to the news that Iran attacked Israel on Saturday. They cheered on Iran, of course.  American liberals still don’t comprehend the fact that the Left is genuinely serious about wanting to destroy the West as we […]

A Rorke’s Drift to the left

WITH electoral disaster looming, the Conservatives need a deliverance like that of Rorke’s Drift, where a handful of British soldiers repelled 4,000 Zulus in 1879, says former Tory Attorney-General Sir Geoffrey Cox.  So what’s likely to happen? Let’s fast-forward to October, where we find Lieutenant Sunak and his troops crouching behind a hastily-constructed barrier of […]

The Left Can’t Have it Both Ways on Campus Activism – HotAir

This week, the Atlantic published an account written by a student journalist at Stanford outlining the extremism that has become commonplace on campus. David wrote about it yesterday so I’m not going to rehash it but the gist is that pro-Palestinian activists on campus are endorsing violence against Israel and seem to be hovering just shy […]

Enough! Beleaguered Portuguese turn tide against the sleazy left

AS a further example of insurgent parties disrupting the political ‘equilibrium’ that suits the globalist crony capitalist elites, Portugal has just said ‘Enough!’ to a cosy leftist consensus which has dominated its politics since the 1974 revolt against António Salazar’s dictatorial regime. In a surge which has given Guardianistas around the continent conniptions, last Sunday, Portugal’s Chega party (their name means ‘enough’) replicated some of the successes […]

The so-called far right are really far left

IN HIS address to the nation on Friday, Rishi Sunak said: ‘Islamist extremists and the far right feed off and embolden each other.’ This casual reference to ‘far-right extremists’ is made again and again, almost always as some sort of leavening to placate all those people worried about right-wing extremists who, so the narrative runs, […]