Tag: Navalnys

Thousands Turn Out for Navalny’s Funeral – HotAir

Prying Russia from the grip of Putin was Alexei Navalny’s reason for living and ultimately the reason he died. So it’s no surprise that his funeral, which was held today in Moscow, turned into a kind of anti-Putin rally with numerous chants that, on a normal day, would lead to arrests and prison. ‼️ “Ukranians […]

Where is Navalny’s body? – HotAir

The world was told on Friday that  Alexei Navalny is dead. World leaders denounced Russian President Vladimir Putin for Navalny’s death. Make no mistake, Putin is convinced he can get away with anything, including the murder of his political opponents, because he is not held accountable. Look no further than President Biden’s reaction to the […]